Kirsten's Page


Hi! My name is Kirsten and I am 11 years old. My birthday is August 13, 1989. My cousins, Alex and Alyssa, live near Chicago and it's great when we can get together. I love ballet and have been taking lessons since I was 4. I also love gymnastics and am on the YMCA Gymnastics Team. My cousin Alex is really good! I broke my arm on the uneven bars on January 5th, so I'm done for the season this year.

...on the balance beam
I have 2 sisters, Kaitlyn and Kelly. Most of the time they drive me nuts. They are always trying to get in my room and play with my stuff. My mom says someday I'll be glad I have 2 sisters.

I am in 5th grade this year. I had a wonderful teacher two years ago, Mr. Barthen. This year I also have a great teacher, Mrs. Wise. She goes to our church too!

Orange Cat
I love cats , especially Sherlock. The things I like to do best are ballet, play with my friends and read. My favorite T.V. shows are 'Early Edition' and 'Seventh Heaven' ~ but I like 'Are You Afraid of the Dark' a lot too.

Are any of you fans of Harry Potter? I just finished the third book. They were all so good I couldn't put them down. If anyone is looking for a book to read the Harry Potter books are great. Thanks for coming to visit!

Here are a couple websites dedicated to Harry Potter fans:

Harry Potter site at Scholastic.com: the official U.S. distributor
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Have any of you seen 'Center Stage' yet? I saw it twelve times when it was at the theater. I can't wait until it comes out on video!

Here is the Center Stage website:

Center Stage

Here are some other sites that I really like:

Backstreet Boys
Cornpops (Games and Stuff)
American Girl
Bonus - The Super Site for Kids

Here are a coule of gymnastics links that I like:
International Gymnast
USA Gymnastics

And here are some neat ballet sites:

Milwaukee Ballet Company
New York City Ballet

We studied Japan in school and these are a couple of pretty neat sites that my teacher told us about:
This is the site of a Vermont teacher
Live camera on Mt. Fuji

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I love it when I get mail! Mary's Little Lamb

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