Russian Forest


Photo Gallery
Autumn in Russia
Russian Forest
White Night1
White Night2  Woodland Lake
Lady Winter

Golden Autumn
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It was a long time ago, before Human History began....
It was in the Youth of the Earth...
     Two souls, two cosmic spirits, one of the Young Earth, another of the Hot Sun, decided to be together forever. From this union were born the plants on Earth and later on they grew in number to generate the Vegetable Kingdom.
     All plants at that time had a small spirit inside them. Together, this little spirits were integrated into four Life Spirits named as
     Yes, they were Life Spirits, a small piece of which everyone, every living being is carrying from the times of its creation, at least nine months before its birth...
     Nowadays we know this as    LIFE.
     The only eternal Life Spirits' Goal was to keep Life going on Earth and this Goal was very, very hard to achieve and not altogether joyful...
     Life Spirits had seen how the pre-Ancient forests slowly became coal and oil. They had also seen how ancient insects became stronger and created their Wisdom Civilization, which later on collapsed into the dust, after which, the remains of those insects became little flies and mosquitoes...
     Yes, the ancient insects left for us aggression and evil as a heritage...
     They were able to see how reptiles came out of the water into the ground, became stronger and giant. Much later, they lost their power and changed into little frogs, lizards and snakes. They also lost their Wisdom as insects before. They left us their talent to survive...
     Life Spirits had also witnessed how humans came to Earth...
     And step in step with this new generation, the Ancient Glacier came to the Earth. It became a very strong and cruel educator for young mankind. But it gave humans very good knowledge regarding how to survive in the World of Coldness.
     It seems to us now that all times which flied trough the Spirit's vision were containing the great Cosmic War, the never-ending war for surviving.
     And now, Life Spirits were being forced to say Mankind good bye. They clearly understood that no one could survive eating his money, if all plants were to die. Pure water would become bad with pollution and clean air would be filled with dangerous and poisonous dust and gasses...
     The Spirits did not like this. They did not like the idea of losing one more civilization on Earth, as many others before. They did not agree with the decline of mankind and they decided to provide help to people to save them from looming evil and death.
The first time they had tried to do this occurred in the early ancient Times. Russian and Scandinavian legends tell us about Kind Gods which tried to save people from Death. The names of these gods were   Perun   and   Tor.

Continued on   The White Night Magic Walk

Landscape Gallery --- My Motherland
The most beautiful Season of the year in Russia is Autumn!
The Walk in the Russian Forest The White Night Magic Walk
St.Petersburg, the Second Capital of Russia
The White Night Magic Walk
The Land of a Thousand Lakes
Her Beauty, Lady Winter...
The Golden Autumn

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