Jan 1,2000. Chaos was created. 5 Highly untalented Individuals decided to join forces to create the ultimate of crappy punk rock.  After much fist shaking and incoherant ramblings, Cuntorted Ideal$ was born

March 2000.  After more fist shaking, one of the members decided to go join the cambodian mafia and become a dictator.  After a long struggle, Cuntorted Ideal$ died, and out emurged Outcast Individuals.

September 2000 A short Break was in order for the members of OI so they could pay vast amounts of money for education they don't really need .

Jan 2001 After playing close to a hundred shows, they decide to get back together and play some more. And so my friends, the torture continues...

March 2001 a new band member is added to the group of no talents, bringing  the total up to 6. OI has an almost complete horn section now.

Abbotsford, BC is very unlucky to have to put up with such noise.  Outcast Individuals have been described as many different sounds. "bowel core", or "Chaos ", or better yet, "Complete Crap".  But to us, the most accurate is, "Damn it sounds like you kids are having a bowel movement down there!!"
March 2001:

New songs are in the process of being written. Jules, the new saxaphone player is working out very nicely. She's a talented grrl.

Discussion of recording our full length album has begun, as well as plans for a summer tour.

For now OI is concentrating on writing new material, breaking stuff, Mass Alcohol Consumption,  and finishing up with hell, also known as school. Go check out the shows section for upcoming shows.

Cheers and Beers
Ryan Individual
Synde Terror
Suzie Spazzifold
Stu-Pid Human Scum
Adam Fourteen Fouty
Jules Generic