CMOORE dissects the summer's highly-touted action blockbuster...

Sometimes history has a way of repeating itself. I thought of this about 2 hours into the movie "Pearl Harbor" as the bombs and specially modified shallow-water torpedoes fell like hail from Japanese planes onto the unexpecting and innocent folks that made up the Navy's Pacific Fleet.  December 7, 1941 - truly a day that will live in infamy - and a movie which I'm afraid is destined to follow...
A Movie Which Will Live In Infamy...
Celebrity Persona...
Adster takes a cynical look at the wonderful world of Hollywood...

"First, let me start off by telling you that I am better looking than you.  I have my hair done every time I leave the house.  They come to me to do my hair.  I wouldn't dare go to the salon to have it done, I am way too good for that.  Someone might recognize me and ask me for an autograph, the nerve of some people..."
Love: A Dirty Rotten Business
"A small pile of assorted goods is slowly growing around me as I dig deeper into the black plastic shopping bag.  One t-shirt, white. One Hong Kong action flick, VHS.  Two books, paperback...
I'm thinking, why is it that people seem to have such a hard time being nice to eachother?"
America Speaks Out...
Observations on 9/11

In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, people all over the World turned to cyberspace to express their grief, anger, and in many cases, stupidity.  For the past two weeks I have been reveling in this new communications medium where people with codenames like rebelhell and hairylobo trade thoughts and insults as quickly as if they were seated next to eachother in a bar.  It is both encouraging and at times depressing to witness the candidness with which people will express themselves when hidden behind a psuedonym.  With this in mind, in this month's NADA, the World speaks out on the recent massacres in New York and D.C.   These are your words people.  Be both proud and disgusted by what you read.