Celebrity Persona

"First, let me start off by telling you that I am better looking than you.  I have my hair done every time I leave the house.  They come to me to do my hair.  I wouldn't dare go to the salon to have it done, I am way too good for that.  Someone might recognize me and ask me for an autograph, the nerve of some people. 

I spend at least a couple of hours everyday at the gym.  That is how I keep myself in perfect shape.  I have the body that everyone wishes they had.  I go to special events to show off my expensive outfits, my expensive shoes, my expensive hair, and my perfect body.  When I smile I light up the room.

I drive only the best cars.  If I am not driving, I take a limousine.  Not one of those ordinary limo's either, I take the biggest and the best.  Who cares if it is ten times the price, my image is worth it.  I have many cars.  I collect them.  I have more cars than I could possibly drive.  There are some in my garage that I have never even driven, and probably won't.

It is in my contract that I must have a king size bed in my trailer, with fresh fruit delivered to me everyday.  I must have my lunch made fresh and my menu changes frequently.  People do these things for me because I am special.  Sometimes, I just put something in the contract to test them to see if they are really paying attention.  My last film, I told them to provide me with peanut M&M's, but no yellow ones.  They did it.  Why, because I deserve it.  I don't even like M&M's.

I live in a house that everyone wants.  It has six bedrooms, each of them bigger than the master suite in regular homes.  It is completely secluded and has an excellent view.  All of my houses have a view of some body of water.  Of course, I had to have things specially made for my house.  Nothing mass-produced.  My furniture was hand-made in Switzerland, the rugs are from Turkey and Persia, the marble floors in the entrance and the bathroom are rare Italian white marble.  There is nothing too good for me.  My personal home theater is wonderful for entertaining.  It has seats for twelve and the screen comes down from the ceiling.  I can control everything from the remote control (it's touch-screen). 

Everyone I work with is wonderful and one of the best actors I've ever worked with.  Let me tell you how I describe them all; charming, incredibly talented, wonderfully funny, a true artist, incredibly nice, giving, insightful, I learned a lot, really I did.  Every director is talented, incredibly understanding and not demanding at all.  It is easy to see why everyone living and working in Hollywood is so perfect. We all love each other.  All incredibly rich people who only work half the year are nice to be around, don't you think so.  They just care about how comfortable I am.

When I go out, I never wait in lines.  You could be in the rain for hours, waiting for a table, but I will pull up and go right in.  I have probably eaten at your reserved table a couple of times.  That's because I am a star, and you are not.  I eat only at the best places and hang out with only the most beautiful people.  When I do eat out, I can't order anything off the menu, it must be specially made for me.

But ask my friends, they'll tell you...I haven't changed a bit from when I was a normal person...just like you."