They didn't have to hijack those planes to blow up those buildings. Bush has already put America on the track to economic disaster. By the time 2004 roles around those terrorists will be able to knock us over with a feather. Bush is the worst thing that ever happened to America.

It is obvious to me that the Taliban is lying through its teeth to save its ass. They should be told straight out. Either you find Bin Laden and hand him over or risk total destruction. This ass hole who says he is not afraid has never seen the fear of people falling out of a 100 building. We should not spare a single person. When a Government is responsible as this government is ultimately for this action, They and they alone bear the responsibility for what happens to its citizens. Don't show us your dead babies and expect sympathy. You people are filty liers with no respect for human life. I hope yuu really have faith in your none god because It is my sincere hope you visit him soon.

You don't seem to understand how terrorists are created. If your mother, brothers and sisters were brutally killed as "collateral damage" due to questionable U.S. foreign policy, you would probably feel like lashing out.....just as U.S. citizens feel right now. An eye for an eye goes on forever as the middle east should have taught us over the last 50 years. I for one do not support a broad based military offensive where there are lots of civilian casualties. OK. You can rip me to pieces now !

Well, looking at this board confirms a lot of things ....

1) US believes it is the centre of the World.
2) Arrogance and intolerance reigns in US
3) It is run by an idiot
4) ... so why be surprised at his people?

This is a board of racism and prejudice. In a civilised society that you all call "free" I am ashamed to read this rubbish. You will breed your own fate and this was a lesson you don't seem to have learned.

All racists should have been under that tower.


Punish them now! you may ask who THEM is?
Well any and all countries that have supported terrorism against the US should be given 24 hour notice to give us information leading to the aprehension of those responsible OR ELSE FACE BOMBING of all military and government installations PERIOD.....give them till noon and then start bombing at 12:01!!!!!


This IS the greatest country on the face of the planet! Everyone else is JEALOUS!!!


Friday Night at 7:00 p.m. step out your door, stop your car, or step
out of your establishment and light a candle. We will show the world
that Americans are strong and united together against terrorism.

Please pass this to everyone on your e-mail list. We need to reach
everyone across the United States quickly.

Thank you.

We need press to cover this - we need the world to see. 

Message after message on this board suggests hurting or killing innocent people. Their faith does not make them a threat. Just yesterday a neighbor told me one of her coworkers had to leave early to pick up his children, because they had been beaten up at school for being Muslim. This is not the act of a religion, it is the act of a man or men with serious mental problems. Hate and anger will not solve the problem at hand, and going to war to soon will lead to beginning of WWIII. As soon as we attack them, they will be supported by another country which has issues with the US. Although we could attack Afganistan and win, could we win against someone such as China? In light of the events of the last year, I fully expect China to jump in at one point in this battle. Any other thoughts on this? I am not advocating that we back down. I served my country for four years in the Navy on the USS Daniel Boone and would do so again if called to, but I am against hurting innocent people in retaliation for the acts of others. 


Afghanistan is not who you will be fighting. You will be fighting every person on earth who hates America or wants to take advantage of Americans falling economy.

I am sad to say but I feel this is where the " American Super power ends."

........ Europes turn. 

Great, I guess we are all in for copious amounts of bodily hair and habitual masturbation.


I'm still wondering, what exactly is the evidence that Bin laden masterminded this??? 

From what I gather these men have been associated with the men under bin Laden. That's how he supposedly keeps his hands clean... having others do his dirty work. 

American's treat other American's poorly. I've been all over the world and have seen other countries treat their friends and neighbors better than we treat each other. I'm not even beginning to talk about one race to another....Even whites to other whites and blacks to blacks, browns to browns,,,
If we act like this, how do we expect anybody (other countries) to respect us ? 


Bush has no skill for Presidency but he DOES KNOW HOW TO START A WAR! 

I hope you're starting to wake up Americans. Earlier this year, Bush sent $43million to the Taliban. Now the adminstration is pushing to take our individual liberties away. This may have been their agenda. I AM NOT BEING TOO PARANOID.

He is still weak, stupid and illegitimate.

I hope you Republicans are happy. YOUR illegal selection got what could be tens of thousands of people killed. 


Say what you will about the hijackers -- what they did was not "cowardly," as President Bush stated. Whatever else it may have been (e.g. evil), it was not "cowardly." It takes balls to hijack an airplane with an exacto knife and fly it into the side of a skyscraper. 


Does anyone else here realize that the new generation of Queers and Fag's are destroying America? Every day their are more and more new ANAL PACKERS and I am SICK of this. I want all the fags that are destroying this country to die or leave.




AIDS IS THE GAY PLAGUE ~ 89% of the new AIDS cases is YOUNG GAY MEN (or transexuals in case you think you are both)

It's time for America to DENY the FAGS healthcare when they get AIDS, its time TO STOP HIRING GAYS, if we LET THIS GO America will turn OUT LIKE AFRICA where 1/4 people have AIDS.

AIDS are not just a drag on society and disgusting but they are also a NUISANCE!

Hey...nice to see you, Jerry Falwell...thanks for weighing in with your views. Now get out. Now.

Is this stupidity for real?!? Here are people are worry, angry and mourning of what's going to happen to the world and he's raving about fudgepackers!?? Get real! Go get enlisted or something.. make yourself useful .. get that hatred towards Laden.. Jezzz.. U need to be fudgepack U know where...


We should conduct an all out WAR on terroristism and any country that trains and keeps these villians. The world has had enough, it is time to fight back and end these threats once and for all time. Not only should we seek justice for the violence that was done to America, but with our resources, come to the ad of other nations when these attacks occur. A World Terrorist Force should be formed to deal with these evil people. A multinational unit to handle these cowards. We AMERICANS are strong and will come through this, other nations my not be as strong, and we have the resources to help. Bin Laden, you clock is ticking, and it is getting close to time for you to meet your maker an be returned to Satan with the rest of your buddies....
In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, people all over the World turned to cyberspace to express their grief, anger, and in many cases, stupidity.  For the past two weeks I have been reveling in this new communications medium where people with codenames like rebelhell and hairylobo trade thoughts and insults as quickly as if they were seated next to eachother in a bar.  It is both encouraging and at times depressing to witness the candidness with which people will express themselves when hidden behind a psuedonym.  With this in mind, in this month's NADA, the World speaks out on the recent massacres in New York and D.C.   These are your words people.  Be both proud and disgusted by what you read.
Source:  Yahoo, Washington Post Message Boards