Allright, this is the page for the rules of my RPG. At present, this is a work in progress and it is totally conceptual, I have no intentions at this time of using this for any game on any message board. That may change, but that is at present. This may turn out really lousy, but we'll see.


General Data on Mecha
Character Data
Current Information on Experience and Levels
Data on Drive Phenomena
Data on Spirit Phenomena
Pure Humans Specifications
Data on Genetics Specifications
Data on Mechanics Specifications
Mechanic Modification Compendium 21XX
Listing of Mecha
Catalogue of Mecha Parts and Components
Combat Mechanics

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I need to add some stuff. Stats for the mecha, special mecha for use in the videogame/story rendition, and so on and so forth. I also need to set the multipliers for attacks based on drive, and the characters/stats for the videogame rendition. Yeah, yeah, you're asking, "What videogame and/or story rendition?" Well, there is no videogame rendition yet, because I haven't written it or been approached...which is WHY I need to get the stats done. ^_^ There is also no story rendition yet, but that's just because I haven't written it. As for that, I've got some ideas, and I'm considering the characters and their abilities. Likewise, that suggests different grown rates, personality types, and so on, which also need to be developed and adapted. And finally, a plot and "gimic", something unique to this world (besides just drive and spirit, which some might confuse for other things from other universes, drive more than spirit.) In any case...yeah, these things. I also need to learn how to program...