MOMS Offering Moms Support®

The MOMS Club® of Hastings - East provides many activities and services for our members. We periodically add and change things as needed, based on the suggestions of our members. We try to provide a variety of programs for everyone's needs and interests.

Below is a list and brief description of a few of the activities and services that the MOMS Club of Hastings - East currently provide. 

  • Business/Board Meetings: We meet once a month to make decisions, discuss business, make announcements, provide information and socialize. Attendance is not mandatory.
  • Field Trips: Normally at least once a month a field trips is planned. This past year's trips included: the Minnesota Zoo, museums, the local library, bookstores, a pumpkin patch and more. We've also arranged tours for the kids of the post office, police station, fire station, bus station and other interesting locations.
  • MOMS Night Out: Once a month our moms have the opportunity to get out and socialize. Our nights out have been great fun; we have dinner out, play bingo, go to movies and more.
  • Newsletter: We provide a monthly newsletter for our members which includes a calendar, club news and information, book group news, member classified ads, community help and announcements.
  • Park Days: We schedule park days several times a month to give our kids a chance to get outside and play. If the weather does not permit, we have a rainy day site which has indoor play equipment.
  • Playdates: Our playdates are in members homes.
  • Book Club: Our book club reads one book per month and then meets monthly to discus it.
  • Scrapbooking: Once a month we provide a great location to spread out and scrapbook for 2 hours!  Childcare is provided for a nominal charge.
  • Caring MOMS: This program is when members help other members who are in need by bringing meals to them or babysitting their children. Help is given when someone is on bed rest, having a family emergency, or having a new baby.
  • Guest Speakers:  Our speakers have included a La Leche League Leader who answered breastfeeding questions, a Babywearing seminar, home schooling seminar, baby signs seminar.

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NOTE: Neither the MOMS Club® of Hastings - East, MN or the International MOMS Club® endorses any advertisers you may see here. We are not affiliated with any political or religious group.

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