More About Me
"Beavis, I have seen the top of the mountain, and it is good"

This page is designed to provide the inquiring mind with a description of such a wondrous being that is me. Here are some of the key dates and episodes of my existence on this Earth, with witty and insightful commentary:

For pictures of me, visit my Picture Gallery

Disclaimer: due to cruel fate, I come out looking like a total FOOL on 99% of photos. The other 1% are those photographs where I was not aware of them being taken. Visit the gallery at your own risk!!!

Unauthorized Autobiography Misha on the Web Absolut Misha

Unauthorized Autobiography

Misha on the Web

Because of a wonderful new tool called Googlism, you can now find out some very interesting things about Misha:

Who is Misha?

Absolut Misha

Finally, my penchant for shameless self-promotion led me to design the following banner, combining my love of Coca-Cola and dedication to sobriety. Please feel free to give in to the urge of placing this banner prominently on your homepages.

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� Michael Denisenko All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed