Mt Eden North Resident's Association Inc.


Last Chance

NZ Herald Articles

Probe into civil servant's $1.6m land buy
Minister orders probe into land deal

Central Leader Article

Residents Keen to Buy Land for Open Space
Mercury Fears Rising (pdf file)

Read the Submission made by MENRA to the Auckland City Council

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JULY 19, 2002

  1. This is the last piece of suitable reserve land in a densely populated area that has less greenspace per head of population than any other in New Zealand. ACC has a final opportunity to try to acquire it for this city. Approaching Maungawhau from the city the curve of Mt Eden Road focuses attention on this corner site. From the opposite direction it is also a very visible point. (An ideal situation for a "Gateway to Eden" sculpture? Large established trees, regular crowds of native birds - tuis, wood pigeons, fantails).
  2. Contamination: If this site is to be developed for residential use, remediation is required by law. Providing the ground is not to be excavated the contaminated soil poses no threat and can be safely left undisturbed. There are many trees and plants which naturally remediate the soil (and see Soil and Health Director Dr. Meriel Watts, Central Leader 5/7/02) and this would seem the obvious and simple solution here. The massive excavation required for high-density residential development of the site pose serious health and wellbeing problems for surrounding residents.
  3. High density housing, three-storied blocks, are a contemporary anachronism among the century old villas, overshadowing them and destroying the historic nature of the area. A community loses its identity when a large housing development impinges on the chosen older dwellings and pedestrian movements of its people.
  4. The increase in traffic (50 or more vehicles) in narrow one way streets where few of the older dwellings have off street parking is a very real issue.

"This property is ideally situated as a recreation reserve in a thickly populated area lacking in such amenities, and my council would like your department to consider setting it aside for such purpose.
"It is realised that the property is a valuable one, but my council is very concerned about the lack of open space and recreational reserves in an area rapidly becoming completely built on."

  • Letter dated 24k" August, 1944, from Town Clerk, Mt Eden Borough Council, to The Minister in Charge of Housing.
  • It would seem that the local council of 1944 had more foresight and care for the community than the ACC of 2002.
  • The Dept. of Housing had purchased the land for the purpose of building a number of flats. The Mt Eden Borough Council sought to buy the land, and The Winstone Family offered to purchase it for the Council at a reasonable price.
  • However, the price set by the Housing Dept. was considered excessive, and the deal did not go ahead.
  • Meanwhile, though the war years the area had become an overgrown, rat-infested rubbish dump, and when a local girl was attacked there the residents petitioned against a reserve in favour of what they considered the safer option of housing.
  • The land was subsequently passed in 1951 to the Department of Health for use as a Dental Training School till 1984, when it became the National Environmental Chemistry and Acoustics Laboratory.
  • Throughout this time, the site was a pleasant area with established trees, well-maintained gardens, single storey wooden buildings, and a good relationship between the scientific and residential communities.
  • In 1992, was transferred to ESR under the Crown Research Institutes Act. In the past few years maintenance of the gardens lapsed and scientists were moved or made redundant.

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