Two Dykes
(if you count each of us just once)

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Welcome to the Mandi part of two dykes.  I'm the webmistress, as you can tell by the fact that my parts are the only ones written in first person.

I'm the older half of the two dykes.  To be specific, I was born in 1960 when a man named Eisenhower was president of the United States, David Ben-Gurion was the Prime Minister of Israel, and queers in general were pretty much hidden from world view.  I was born in Arkansas and have lived in many parts of the United States.

From links on this page you can follow my rants on such subjects as politics, science, gay rights and human rights.  You can find information on recovery (how I stay alive) and nursing (my profession).  You can also find out who or what my favorite quotes, movies, books or musicians are.  Also, read about my religion, which I invented, and is based on the cartoon Southpark.


The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal -® - Established 1997
Phenomenal Women Of The Web®

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