Register Horses
HWA Registered Horses

Approved Classlist
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Classified Ads
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Western Trainers

Hay!Land Western Association

President: Liberty Dewert
Co-President: Amy Kelly
Points Secretary: Isabel Alveraz
Events and Awards Committee: Positions Available
Research and Development Committee: Meagen, Positions Available
Vet: Amy Kelly & Liberty Dewert
Web Design: Christina Thomspon

HWA is an all-breed western horse show association. Here at the HWA, we're dedicated to promoting the finest western horses and riders in Hay!Land. At the shows there is a variety of western class including: Halter, Showmanship, Lounge Line, Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, Western Riding, Trail, Cutting, Reining, Team Penning, Calf Roping, Working Cow Horse, Breakaway Roping, Barrel Racing, Pole Bending and the Stake Race. Approved point shows are held throughout the year at many different locations. Points are accumulated in each approved class, and year-end awards are given out at the annual banquet, held near the end of January each year. If you'd like to become really involved with the association, please e-mail Liberty to apply for any of the available positions listed above.