Register Horses
HWA Registered Horses

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Western Trainers


Registering with the HWA is a very easy process. Below are just a few things you need to know before you register.
  • The HWA is open to all breeds, genders, and ages.

  • Horses that are registered with the HWA absolutely must be registered with the Hay! Land Equine Registry. Falsifying ER numbers could result in the owner's expulsion from the HWA as a permanent measure.

  • When you sell a horse to someone else, be sure to pass on the horses HWA registration number so the new owner doesn't re-register the horse. One of you (probably the new owner) should fill out the Change of Ownership form. Make sure you agree who will do it before the sale is finalized. The Change of Ownership form is located at the bottom of the Register Horses page

  • If you leave the game and take your horses with you be sure to e-mail the association with their names and registration numbers so that they can be removed from the list. If you decide to rejoin the game you'll need to re-register those horses.