- Promo Archive 1 -

Decmber 7, 1998 to December 19, 1998

The promos in this archive are all from my short stay in the EWA. Soon after the last RP you see here and the match that followed, my Big Time partner "Dynamite" Dave Drexxel and I left the federation for reasons that have yet to be made public.

12/7/98 - Big Time's first promo ever, getting ready to face the Nightmare Squad.

12/8/98 - Here we are, outside the Kiel Center just hours before our first match in the EWA. I guess Shelly got lost on her way to my locker room because I never did see her again. Oh well, her loss.

12/10/98 - Part one of the classic "Big Time Mexican Odyssey". After we got the tape we put a damn good drop on that bastard tourist. His wife and kid were bawling like crazy! It was hilarious! Too bad we didn't get that on tape.

12/11/98 - Part two of the "Big Time Mexican Odyssey". We went through way too much trying to get to Mexico to face the Black Angels. At least we did the world a favor by defacing Barbara Streisand's star... so something good did come out of all this.

12/12/98 - The last part of the "Big Time Mexican Odyssey". Soon after this, Dave's guitar was tragically broken into a million pieces... by me.

12/14/98 - Here we are days before a three way tag match with The Kindred and the team of Modest and the European bastard Richards. To this day I still have nightmares about that cardboard cut-out.

12/15/98 - Another classic. Some of my favorite moments take place in this one even though it did take place at the favorite interview spot of jobbers... a house show. Nothing I say here can enhance the quality. Just read the damn thing!

12/16/98 - This was kind of a last minute deal to get one more dig at the two teams in the three way. Pretty good stuff for an rp from a car.

12/18/98 - Here I am in my first solo effort, getting ready for a mini Battle Royal for the EWA Light Heavyweight title. Would you believe that after all the effort I went through getting gifts for those ungrateful bastards they didn't even accept them?! Well, except for KG. He didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

12/19/98 - Here you see a quiet, contemplative side of your hero... quite a rare and unique sight to behold. I think the descriptions of my opponents here are pretty dead on though. And I still think that cabbie ripped me off. $8.50?! We barely went two blocks!