"Big Time Mexican Odyssey Part One: The Journey Begins... Sort Of"
Date: December 10, 1998
Match: Black Angels vs. Big Time
Fed: EWA

-- Black. The only thing we can see is a black screen save for three small white letters in the bottom left hand corner. They read: 12 / 9 / 98 Many people are talking in the background and we hear the humming of engines in the distance, but there is nothing to be seen. Out of nowhere a deep voice booms in our ears. It is obviously coming from someone very close to the camera. --

Man: What the hell? What's wrong with this thing? I just bought this damn peice of crap. Why can't I see anything?! Wait.. oh... here we go.

-- Suddenly we can finally see something. We see a rather grotesque extreme close-up of the underside of some guy's nose. We now realize what the man was doing wrong. He forgot to take the lens cap off. With the problem remedied he holds the camera upright. With our newfound sight we see that we are in an airport. St. Louis airport to be exact. The man begins to narrate his homemade video. --

Man: Okay. So here I am at St. Louis airport. Kendra and the kids should arrive soon. I can't wait to see them. It's been such a long time... Well, I'll be. Here they come. KENDRA! KENDRA! OVER HERE!! Hey honey. How've you been.

-- The camera aims at the ground as the man gives his wife a big 'ol smootch. A little blonde boy stares wide-eyed into the lowered camera and begins to remove the candy from his mouth, proceeding to move it towards the lens. The camera quickly jerks upward. --

Man: No, no Ricky. No playing with Daddy's camera. Hey, your mommy told me you learned a new word. Can you say it for Daddy? Come on, say the word.

-- As the camera zooms in on the boy we can hear a growing commotion in the background. The camera moves up quickly to capture the action. --

Man: Hold on a sec, son. There's something that Daddy has to do. If this turns out like I think it might, I could sell this tape to Real TV for big bucks.

-- We see our two heros, Scott Tokage and Dave Drexxel, the BIG TIME in a rather heated discussion with one of the workers of the airport. The man gets closer so we can actually hear what is going on. In the background, Kendra talks loudy, complaing to her husband about his disregard for their child. He pays no attention though, he just keeps filming our pals Scott and Dave. --

Scott: But you have to have something else to Mexico!!

Airport Ticket Lady: I'm sorry sir. All of our flights to Mexico are full for the next five days. If you'd like to be put on stand-by I'm sure I could...

Dave: Stand-by?! No! Look at these tickets! FIRST CLASS! See? You can read right? First Class all the way to Mexico City! We're not going to sit around here and wait for some other moron to decide he doesn't want to go to Mexico. Who do you think you're dealing with?!

Airport Ticket Lady: I'm sorry sir. Those tickets were for an hour and a half ago. Stand-by is the best I can do for you at the moment. All of our flights...

Scott: Hey, you just wait until we're the EWA tag team champs, honey. Then we can get the damn plane to turn around next time this crap happens.

Dave: Umm. Why did this crap happen, Scott? Hmmmm??

Scott: Well, as I remember it you forgot to ask for a wake up call.

Dave: Me? You said you were going to do that!

Scott: No, Dave. I said I was going to call for room service. I told you to ask for the wake up call. And as I seem to recall, we actually got the room service. Remember?

Dave: Yeah, but I was uh... distracted. You remember that fine female down at ringside?

Scott: Oh, you mean the one with the enormous tits?

Dave: Yeah, she... HEY!! Stop being so sexist, Scott!

Scott: What the hell are you talking about?

Dave: * Whispering as he points toward the Ticket Lady * Shut up. You're making us look bad in front of the female. If we get stuck here I might be able to get some company here, know what I'm sayin'?

Scott: Oh, yeah, okay. I mean the beautiful yet free thinking independent female from ringside last night.

Dave: Uh, yeah. I think that's the one.

Scott: What do you mean you "think so"?

Dave: Well I really didn't see her face for the first three hours I was with her... let me think... hmmm... ohhhh... heh heh... yeah that's the one.

-- While all of this is going on, the line behind our heros has continued to grow longer and longer. The people are getting pretty impatient and beginning to complain. --

Airport Ticket Lady: I'm sorry sirs. But you'll have to move along. There are people behind you that I need to attend to. If you could just step aside and...

Dave: Alright, alright. We'll find some other way to get to Mexico. Come on, Scott.

-- Dave begins to walk away yet Scott hangs behind at the counter, talking with the Ticket Lady. --

Scott: So, um, since it seems like we're gonna be here for a while, I was wondering if you would want to go somewhere and, you know, have some fun. What do you say? Come on.

-- Dave, not noticing that Scott is still at the ticket counter, finally notices the man that has been filming them the entire time. He calls for Scott but there is no reply. He looks over and sees him hitting on the Ticket Lady, sighs, and goes over and pulls him away.

Dave: Come on, Don Juan, there's a guy with a camera over there. If we can't get to Mexico today at least we can tell those Black Angels what we're gonna do to them in uh, three days at Saturday Night Slam. Hey little man, get over here. I've got a favor to ask of you.

-- The man slowly walks over and doesn't say a word. --

Dave: Okay, here's the deal. We need you to film an interview for us. It's not hard, all you have to do is point and shoot. We do all of the talking. Got it? Good.

-- The man nods and films. --

Scott: Okay, so here we are in beautiful St. Louis. The city that had the distinct privelige of witnessing Big Time's first ever wrestling match. Ah, I'm still giddy with the utter delight of our perormance. The crowd loved us!

Dave: Nightmare Squad, what a joke! And now, in three days we'll face another team equally deserving of a good laugh, The Black Angels. Black Angels, where have I heard that name? Black Angels, oh yeah, now I remember, NOWHERE!! Who are these guys?

Scott: I don't know, man, but we better not take these characters too lightly. That's when bad things happen. The moment you underestimate your opponent is the moment they surprise the hell out you.

-- Both men look at each other for a second and burst out in a fit of laughter. --

Dave: Oh, that's a good one. You know, the world knows that we'll be more than enough for these two jokers. Just ask the Nightmare Squad. If they've regained consiousness, they'll tell you what you're in store for.

Scott: Hell, I'll tell them what they're in store for. Black Angels, when you meet us on Saturday, you're gonna be in for the fight, no, scratch that, the beating of your life. Dave and I are the best things to happen to the tag team circuit since, well, EVER! We've got our maneuvers down like nobodies business and are ready for some more moron bashing action. Playing the part of the two morons? Take a guess. You got it, The Black Angels. You two are gonna wish you had never gone to Mexico after Saturday. We'll see to that.

Dave: Hey, I wonder if the Angels are having the same trouble as we are getting to the arena. I don't know. I've never heard of them so they're probably just checking the oil in their volkswagon. Or maybe they have to hitchhike! Ha ha, that'd be great! Seeing the Angels pull up Saturday climbing out of the back of someone's dirty old pick-up truck. Heh, I can see it now. They will...

Scott: Dave, shut up. If we can't get a flight we may have to hitchhike.

Dave: Oh, yeah. Naw. That won't happen. We're the Big Time. We'll get there is style as always, mark my word. Anyway, it looks like it's time for us to depart for now but remember, Black Angels. Saturday will be your doom. Your tombstone, some old rock in Mexico City.

Scott: Damn straight. Because after all, when you step into the ring with us, you know you've finally made it to the "BIG TIME"!

-- Finishing up their lastest interview, Scott and Dave smile and wait for the man to hand over the tape so they can send it to be broadcast on the air. Instead the man begins to walk away with the camera still rolling. Scott and Dave follow close behind. --

Dave: Uh, sir. We're gonna need that tape. Sir? Sir.

Man: No way. This thing has all of my vacation footage. Your not putting your grubby hands on this.

Scott: What?! I don't care! We need that so it can be broadcast. We had some pretty choice wordage in that interview. Hand over the damn tape!

Man: NO!!

-- The man begins to run and all we can see are Scott and Dave's feet as they follow and close in on the stubborn tourist. After a few seconds the camera slams into the ground and we see hands pulling in three directions. After a few moments of scuffling all that's left is static as the camera is cut off. No one knows what happened after that but obviously Big Time got the tape. Otherwise we wouldn't have been able to see it, right? But what happened there afterwards? Did our heros find a flight? Did Scott get that date? Tune in tomorrow for the further adventures of BIG TIME!! --

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