Farhan nazir Asks in Category Nutrition & Dieting:
My age is 19 I eat a lot of thinks but couldn't get enough weight. My height is 5 feet and 8” … so is
there any good food for me to get weight. Can u give me full chart of deferent foods for my daily food

I will appreciate if you give me elaborate reply

Thank you

Hey Farhan. Your name is foriegn to me, so forgive me for not figuring out if it is a female or male

Gaining weight is impacted by a number of things:
(a) Genetics. You could naturally have a high metabolism. Think of it this way, if you were a car,
you would be a race car with a very fast engine instead of a slower big family type car. Fast
metabolisms mean your body burns through the food you eat faster than another person eating the
SAME AMOUNT of food.

As far as exercising goes - you did not mention if you do any. Lift heavy weights to build muscle.
Building muscle will create extra weight on the scale and size and larger appearance while being
lean and attractive. Even women benefit from weight training.

(b) Calories. As you guessed it, the amount of calories the good has makes a difference to weight
gain. Think of the car again. Good calories would be like the super premium gas, and bad calories
would be like the cheap gas. Both fill the tank, but one contributes to optimum performance and the
other may even negatively affect performance.

If you have a fast metabolism, then you could eat more. You also want to choose good foods. For
example, a baked potato is a better calorie source (premium car fuel) instead of fried potatos (cheap
gas). Both may fill you up, but one does more for you. Also,a bagel (american type of bread) has
more calories than 2 slices of bread.

Unfortunately, I cannot give you a "full chart of different foods for your daily routine". That would be a
lot of work, and that is the work of a Registered Dietician. Fitness Trainers do not write diets, we
work with the ones Dieticians have prepared. Sort of how a nurse will follow the doctor's orders but
while she may know what the doctor is doing, or will do, the nurse cannot legally perform a doctor's

I hope this helps to steer you in the right direction. See if there is a Dietician your doctor can
recommend to you because it seems you need more than a casual advice letter. You want, and
need the detailed attention of a paid, qualified professional.

Yours in health and fitness
Trudy Beerman
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