[ greyfire island ]

This page tells you everything you never wanted to know about The Grey Knight.
Who is this guy?
This "guy", as you so succinctly put it, is none other than The Grey Knight bearded!; programmer, artist, poet, warrior, musician, web designer, etc etc. You get the idea.
(Update 15/10/02): I can now add CipherKnight to my list of properties!

Everyone who knows me on the internet will already have had some inkling of all this stuff, but probably hasn't grasped the full extent of it yet! People who know me in slow time (ie. offline) mightn't be as surprised. Especially the guys from church (Hi James!) who have to put up with me constantly!

Church? So are you a Christian then?
Yes, I go to Carrickfergus Community Church, in Carrickfergus(!) It's good craic (as we say in Ireland), and the best church I've been privileged enough to belong to. Feel free to stop in if you're in the area, we run a café during the week.
Why do you need such a big site for your personal stuff?
A quick look around ought to clear up that mystery for you. There's so much stuff here it's ridiculous.
Who would you like to give a quick "big-up" to?
Well since you ask, special thanks must go to:
God (for creating all my many site visitors), James "JaY" Clarke (for helping me choose God), Ryan "Griff" Griffith (for helping me stay with Him in the interim!), Mark "Big Daddy Love Spuds" Leeman (whose marvellous website inspired this one), Karl "Soda Farl" Cooke (for the physical violence & proofreading), Michael "Sarge" Baxter (for comic relief), Darren "DJ" Jennings (for being taxi driver!), Gerhard "Nekar Xenos" Oosthuizen (for taking a chance on me), Howard Day (for inspiration), Ben "Quetzteacosy" Wright (for letting me do pre-alpha testing ;)) and The Logic Factory (Check back in January)
And special no thanks to:
Poet Piet (for demonstrating how NOT to make a website), MicroSoft (is there nothing they can do right? Should have stuck to hardware manufacture, lads.)
Check out GI:/about/disclaim if you're that bored.
GI:/about/ GI:/download/ GI:/internet/ GI:/links/
GI:/news/about GI:/news/download GI:/news/internet GI:/news/links