Mohawk Wolf Cub Pack, Baie D'Urfe, Quebec, Canada
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Creative Expression - Tawny Star Activities

(Click on any star to access other badges)

The Tawny Star Activities will give you a whole variety of creative activities. Try as many as you like and let your imagination go wild! 

woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)TAWNY STAR
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)ARTIST BADGE
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)CARPENTER BADGE
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)COLLECTOR BADGE
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)COMPUTER BADGE
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)ENTERTAINER BADGE
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)HANDICRAFT BADGE
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)MUSICIAN BADGE
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)PHOTOGRAPHER BADGE
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)READER BADGE
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To earn the Tawny Star, choose and do any six of the A requirements and any three of B requirements:
A. Requirements
1. Show how to safely use simple tools, including a pocket knife.
2. Make a simple article such as a puppet, toy or game, papier-mache item, woggle, etc.
3. Type a simple message, letter, story or poem.
4. Make a working model and demonstrate its operation.
5. Build and fly a model airplane or kite.
6. Make and play a simple musical instrument.
7. Make and use a simple periscope.
8. Write a story, skit, poem or limerick.
9. Produce an original and imaginative piece of art such as a mobile, sculpture, driftwood article, display of sketches or photographs, picture puzzle, or collage.
10. Send and receive a message in code, such as morse code, semaphore or a secret code you made up yourself.
B. Requirements
1. Tell a story using photographs, slides, video tape, or puppets.
2. Make and set up something related to the environment, such as a weather vane, nest box, bird feeder, or composter.
3. Paint a mural or do a poster for an event such as Fire Prevention Week, Scoutrees for Canada, National Wildlife Week, Scout-Guide Week or any other special occasion.
4. From scrap material, make equipment for games: tetherball equipment, bean bags, rope rings, a slide, swing, trapeze, etc.
5. Without hurting nature, make a decorative piece such as a wall plaque, framed picture, lamp shade or lamp stand from a collection of natural articles. Recite, sing or perform a skit from a story you have read or written, such as the life of Baden-Powell.

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artist.gif (3572 bytes)ARTIST BADGE
Do any five of the following:
1. Draw or paint an original illustration of an incident or character from a story such as the Jungle Book.
2. Draw or paint, from life or memory, any animal or person you have seen.
3. Draw or paint a landscape while looking at it.
4. Arrange some items and draw or paint them.
5. Keep and use a sketch book for a period of one month.
6. Illustrate an incident from a story, such as the Jungle Book, using characters in a series of four or more sketches.
7. Make a greeting card of your own design.
8. Make an original model from any suitable material.
9. Create a print using original designs cut into linoleum, potatoes, or other kinds of blocks.

carpenter.gif (3639 bytes)CARPENTER BADGE
1. Show the proper and safe use of five basic tools such as: saw; hammer, square, smooth plane, rule and tape measure.
2. Show how to take care of basic tools.
3. Using basic tools, construct a project such as a lair divider or curtain, toy storage box, flower box, trinket box, shoe box, model house, tool box, bird house, etc.
4. Explain the purpose of the following supplementary tools: hand drill, set of screwdrivers, mitre
box, file, wrench, pliers, and vise grip.
5. Show how to use two of the supplementary tools.

collector.gif (3164 bytes)COLLECTOR BADGE
Collect and organize a group of objects of your choice and keep your collection for a period of at least three months. Some examples: coins, stamps, photos, books, comics, sports player cards, leaves, matchbox toys, etc. Show and talk about your collection at a pack meeting.

computer.gif (4179 bytes)COMPUTER BADGE  (Updated April 2001)
1. From the following list, identify three input devices, three output devices, two storage devices and one processing device. Briefly explain the function of each:

CPU (central processing unit)   Monitor CD-ROM
RAM Keyboard Tape drive
ROM Hard drive Scanner
Printer Mouse Digital camera
Disk drive Joy stick Speakers
Floppy disk Modem

2. Explain how to care for a computer and disks.
3. Do either (a) or (b): 
     a) List ten uses of computers in your home and/or school.

     b) Explain how computers are used in entertainment, education and business or visit a local business, community service or research organization that uses computers, and report on how they use computers in their activities. (Do no use video arcades.)
     a) Briefly explain what the World wide Web is.
     b) Using the World Wide Web with an adult, find a site that has information about a Cub badge or award.  If you believe that other Cubs would benefit from this information, e-mail the URL to
5.  Explain the function of five commands in any computer application.
6. Explain to a person who has never used a computer before how to start a computer, open an application, save work, shut down a program and turn off a computer.
7. Do either (a) or (b): 
     a) Write a story or report using word processing, doing all the revisions on a computer.  Print the first draft and final revision.  Explain how you made revisions.
     b) Using a computer, design a new Cub badge or camp crest.  You may not use clip art.

entertainer.gif (3905 bytes)ENTERTAINER BADGE 
Do any six of the following:
1. Play a simple melody on an instrument.
2. Dress in appropriate costume and act or mime an incident from literature.
3. Perform a recitation.
4. Sing three songs and lead the pack in singing the chorus.
5. Lead and sing two folk songs.
6. Tell a story using puppets.
7. Perform two magic tricks.
8. Perform a solo dance.
9. Lead the pack in some form of folk dancing.
10. Direct a group in a skit.
11. Do a play or dance from the Jungle Book.

handicraft.gif (4167 bytes)HANDICRAFT BADGE
1. Make a toy from recycled odds and ends.
2. Make a toy of some reasonable size, such as a boat, model locomotive, KubKar, airplane, animal, etc.
3. Make a project such as a farmyard, village, Noah's Ark with animals, Jungle Book scene, cottage with furniture, railroad station, etc.
4. Repair two toys.  Show them to one of your leaders before and after you work on them.
5. Make two useful or decorative articles from wool, leather, string or other suitable material.
6. Build a model kit that takes time and effort to complete.
7. Make a puppet or marionette.
8. Make and fly a kite.

musician.gif (3691 bytes)MUSICIAN BADGE
1. Identify the notes of the staff and the values of notes and rest signs.
2. Explain the meaning of piano, forte, moderato,
staccato, largo, pianissimo, fortissimo.
3. Do three of the following:
     a) Play a simple tune on a recognized instrument
     b) Demonstrate ability with a rhythm instrument such as castanets, drum, etc.
     c) Sing a major scale ascending and descending, and the three notes of a major and minor triad
     d) Tap or clap the rhythm of a four-bar phrase previously played by an adult
     e) Sing a short solo
     f) Be a member of a recognized choir, band or ensemble

photographer.gif (3401 bytes)PHOTOGRAPHER BADGE
Can be completed using a camera or video recorder:
A. Do the following:
1. Understand and explain the features of the camera you are using and how to properly care in the equipment.
2. Explain and demonstrate how to property load, focus, hold and shoot the camera, along with knowing some common mistakes in taking pictures.
3. Understand the different types of film or tape available for your camera and their uses.
B. Using the above skills, complete any three of the following:
1. Make a family tree using pictures or video tape.
2. Create a display of photographs or video on a subject of your choice.
3. Write a short safety story and illustrate it through pictures or video using members of your pack, six or friends as the cast.
4. Create a short skit and tell it through photos or video tape using members of your pack, six or friends as the cast.
5. Take a set of nature pictures or video and display it to your pack.
6. Take a roll of pictures or video of interesting people and places in your community.
7. Interview a senior citizen about what life was like at your age using photos or video to record your interview.
8. Create a display of photographs or video showing your six or pack at a meeting, outing or camp and show this at a Scouting event.

reader.gif (3672 bytes)READER BADGE
1. Do any two of the following: a) With adult help, make up a list of books that might interest you and read three of them, b) Discuss with an adult what you think were the main features of a book you read, c) Tell or read to your pack, your six or a small group a story or part of a story you have read.
2. Do any two of the following: 
     a) Show your ability to use the local school or public library by explaining its rules and the reasons for them. Explain the use of the card, microfiche, or computer catalogue and describe, in general terms, the locations of the different categories of books
     b) Be a member of the local library and hold a library card
     c) Show how to use a dictionary, atlas and an encyclopedia
3. Do any two of the following: 
     a) Describe the parts of a book: table of contents, foreword, chapters, glossary, index, etc
     b) Show how to open a new book and how to care for all books
     c) Make and title a dust-cover for a book
4. Read a story from the Jungle Book and retell it to
your six or pack.
5. With adult help, select a children's book and read it
aloud to a Beaver or other young child.

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canadian_arts.gif (4250 bytes) CANADIAN ARTS AWARD
To achieve this award you must complete the following:
1. Earn the Tawny Star.
2. Earn one of the Creative Expression related badges.
3. Visit with an artisan, craftsman, author, musician, or serious hobbyist and learn about their work or activities.
4. Participate in a cultural event such as an art or craft show, concert, play, choir, or community performance.

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April 25, 2005