Montevideo Comics 2

The event took place on April 26th -27th 2003, and attracted even more visitors than the previous year. Once more we were there, with new decoration and new props. A few people applied to become members. Admiral MaGnUs spoke about "Breve catálogo de seres humanos con apliques en la cara". ("Brief catalog of human beings with props on their faces", in Spanish, to be translated soon).

Clicking on an photo will open another window with a bigger image.
Foto 1
Some of the members who went on the first day: Blade, Kosh, Metal King, Seldon and Seska.
Foto 2
Kosh: "Take the connectors you asked for. I've already told Engineering we'll need extra power. We'd better hurry, the inspection is in short and I want the repairs finished by the time the Admirals arrive".
Foto 3
Blade: "So much celebration party yesterday, too much... damn headache... I think I felt asleep. I hope Ican get dressed before the guests arrive"
Foto 4
Seska and Endriago.
Foto 5
Dinotaku and MaGnUs, disguised to mimic among the visitors.
Foto 6
(No words. Judge the image by yourselves.)
Foto 7
To be unnoticed, Lecram disguised as a popular character called "sith".
Foto 8
Foto 9
Lecram belongs to Science, but he could have served well in Tactics and Security.
Foto 10
It was hard dragging Dinotaku out from this place: watching an episode of Voyager, the demo of a PC game, next to the Federation flag and near the schematics of the Artigas. What else can you ask for?
Foto 11
Aother member who could have joined Security: Blade watches carefully for strange hands. Panels, as we know, are very delicate.
Foto 12
One of many MaGnUs' personalities: as DM in a role-playing game in a nearby table.
Foto 13
"See you next year!

Live long and prosper!"