gaby_11923's Home Page

This is a web page dedicated to the series. I want to have original files, so if you feel you have something different and you would like to share them here, let me know!

Want to know where else to see your favorite trek actors? Find out here!!
No need for a TV or fast Internet connection to enjoy your favorite episodes (2 online)
Montevideo Comics 2
Photo gallery of the second edition.
Birthdays of the main trek actors.
Photos, images, jokes...
USS Artigas' photo adventures
The craziest idea of this fan club.
Trek and non-trek sites.
See if any crew member is on ICQ.
Fifth anniversary
USS Artigas' fifth anniversary party.

Errors? Comments? Suggestions? Email me!
E-mail me
Created: 1/1/2000
Updated: 7/1/2004

Star Trek y todo lo relacionado © Paramount Pictures