Use this button if you would like to link to Fuzzy Things!  Thank you!was last updated on: April 20, 2000

Welcome to

Fuzzy Things!


Marky's girl, Tabatha!

Quote of the Day:

"A kitten is so flexible that she is almost double; the hind parts are equivalent to another kitten with which the forepart plays. She does not discover that her tail belongs to her until you tread on it."
- Henry David Thoreau

For more quotes, please stop by The Quotable Feline page!

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Please take time to visit some (or all!) of the animal and planet related links I have listed throughout my site and please keep the following in mind:

"If we want to pass on a living planet to our children and our children's children, then we and they need to embrace the idea that our actions matter, that the decisions we make--large and small-- reverberate throughout the web of life and endure through time."
- World Wildlife Fund

Living Planet

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You will find this media player near the bottom of each page. Feel free to turn off the music if you prefer to browse in silence! Thank you!

Music from the Broadway musical, Cats!

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Where do you want to go?

The following are pages within my site:

black paw The Puppy Mill Nightmare

black paw Activist !Alert!
You CAN make a difference!

black paw bullet point Earth, Too!
Recycling and other environmental information!

black paw bullet point The Quotable Feline
Quotes all about cats!

black paw Fuzzy's Links
Animal and miscellaneous links.

black paw bullet point Fuzzy Things' Webrings

black paw Fuzzy Things' Awards

black paw bullet point News and Stuff!
News, weather, my opinions, Y2K countdown, fun, etc!

black paw bullet point My Adopted Guardian Totems
Please take a look at this page! It means a lot to me!

black paw Reflections At Rainbow Bridge
Dedicated to Tabby.

black paw My World
A little something about me!

The following are new pages within my site! Please have a look, then check back often for improvements!! I am always happy to hear your feedback and suggestions! Thank you for visiting!

black paw My RAOK Dedication Page
Please stop in for a peek and a cup of tea!

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Just the two of us! (Lion and Lioness)

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If you've enjoyed Fuzzy Things, please click on these graphic links to move me up the ranks! Thanks!


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Please take time to pawprint my Dreambook and if you have an extra moment I would love it if you signed my Slambook, too!

Pawprint My Dreambook Dreambook Sniff My Dreambook!

Sign My SlamBook! View My SlamBook!

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Please feel free to use either of these two banners (or the animated one at the top of the page) for linking to Fuzzy Things!
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Please be sure to download the graphic you your own hard drive! Thank you for your support!
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