The Powers of the Vestal Virgins
For all the duties of the Vestals, they had many honors and powers as well. It was believed that they could influence the course of events for Rome. By saving their purity and keeping the sacred fire burning, the Vestals could bring luck to the country (The Vestal Virings, For this reason, they were given great power.

While Roman women were normally controlled by their fathers or husbands, the Vestal Virgins had many more freedoms. They did not have to follow the pater potestas of their fathers, but could make more of their own decisions, managing their own belongings and properties. They could, unlike the normal Roman woman, write a legally-binding document. If a convict on his way to his execution met a Vestal, he was pardoned and not killed (Seindal, Vestal Virgins).

The Vestal Virgins lived on the state's money in luxury for the length of their service (Gill). They were allocated special seats in the very front row at the games, while Roman women were generally only allowed to sit in the back (Seindal, Vestal Virgins). They were permitted to wear the hairstyle of a Roman bride, which was an honor, and they were taken around the city in carriages, with fasces carried before them (Gill). They wore white dresses (The Vestal Virgins,