The Duties of the Vestal Virgins
Each Vestal Virgin served for 30 years - the first 10 in training, then 10 years working, and finally 10 years training new Vestal Virgins. After these 30 years, the Vestals could marry and live as a normal Roman woman, although few did; most remained in service. The Vestals took a vow of virginity when they came into the service.

The Vestals' main responsibility was to keep a fire burning in Vesta's shrine. This fire could NEVER go out. The Vestals also participated in ceremonies such as the Vestalia festival. During this festival, the Vestal Virgins made sacred cakes known as mola salsa. The cakes were made of special flour (mola), salt, and water (Gill).

Should the Vestals neglect their vows or duties, the punishments were severe. If the sacred fire went out, the Vestals were beaten or whipped by the pontifex maximus (The Vestal Virgins,

The worst thing a Vestal Virgin could do, however, was to break her vow of chastity. If a Vestal was found to have lost her virginity, she was buried alive. It was unthinkable to shed the blood of a Vestal; therefore, the only way to execute her was to bury her alive. (Seindal, Vestal Virgins) She was carried on a stretcher and wrapped in cloth to muffle her screams. A special chamber was created, furnished with a bed, a few days' food, oil, and a lit lamp. This way, the Vestal would not die of starvation but suffocation, because such a sacred person could not die of hunger. The Vestal was lowered onto the bed in the chamber, the ladder was removed, and the opening was filled in (The Vestal Virgins, No one could ever know where she had been buried, and no funeral services could be performed for her (The Vestal Virgins, Many believed that a curse on Rome was lifted with the death of this sinful person, and that Rome would be successful once again (The Vestal Virgins,