Main Raytraced Art Programs Technical
Art Gallery
Which page you like depends on if you're a right-brain person, a left-brain person, or if you're completely insane.
A JavaScript image viewing page will be activated when you click on any of the small (thumbnail) images to see the larger version on any of these pages. If you don't use JavaScript or have it turned off, the old viewing method will still be used - opening a new window with the image on it.

The Gallery is currently divided into five parts.
Note: For best viewing, set your monitor to the maximum number of colors: either "Millions of Colors" on a Mac or 16 million colors/24-bit True Color on Windows. I highly recommend viewing this on an 800x600 screen! (You may have to restart your browser if you change screen settings while in it.)

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This page created and maintained by Sean O'Malley.