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Both reliable and current data as well as strong statistical institutes equipped with modern technology and modern methods of data collection and analysis may be very rare in the continent but, given their limited manpower, technological and budget resources, most African Statistical Institutes have done a good job in the attempt to close the statistical and information gap by supplementing those from other sources. Coming up with the right policy prescriptions requires in depth knowledge and understanding of the way an economy works, and this requires reliable and current data and information. Strenghtening research capacity and statistical institutes in Africa is therefore vital. This page attempts to serve as a one step site about available Macro and Micro data on African Economies. That way, we hope to increase awareness about the existing information on Africa and facilitate researches on the continent. Visitors are also encouraged to comment and inform us about locations of similar information.

African Household Surveys
Manufacturing/Firm Level Surveys
Africa Live Database - World Bank
Data sets from ACAP (African Census Analysis Project)
Online global data on Population, Health and Nutrition
African data collection by University of Pennsylvania
Contact addresses of African Statistical Agencies
Other data sources on Africa
Other Selected Links on Africa


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