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The primary purpose of this center is to serve as a   source of ALL information for economic researchers, investors, historians, tourists as well as policy makers about AFRICA. The information includes statistical data, researches and papers done on African economies, investment and stock market operations in Africa, African News, African Cultural heritage, etc.

The reason that initiated the web master of this site is the fact that despite the recent attention towards Africa by donors, as well as investors, and despite an increasing interest from the researchers on African issues, the primary impediment remains to be data and information availability. The other side of the same problem is that even the existing data and information is not effectively used due to unawareness of its existence and its fragmented location.

This site is a start to gather such fragmented information, and constantly update it to enable  users make the best use out of it. Every body is encouraged to help us improve the site for the benefit of all. For comments and additional information please contact us using the addresses below.

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