







“He who hath not seen Cairo, hath not seen the world. Her soil is gold; her Nile is a marvel; her women are like the black-eyed virgins of Paradise; her houses are palaces; and her air is soft, sweet as aloeswood, rejoicing the heart .And how can Cairo be otherwise, when she is the mother of the world”

City of 1001 Nights


The streets of modern Cairo have somewhat changed since the time this book was written. Nevertheless, amidst today’s chaos, pollution, honks, dust, and 16 million people, Cairo, the city of one thousand minarets, still retains that quite, mystical beauty of the past. You just need to look a bit closer.


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I have no objection to people using the material on this site for Educational, non-profit purposes provided I'm credited with a link back to this site. If you wish to use the materials on this site please eMail me and ask permission. Please remember All Text & artwork is © HANY ABD EL MONEIM  2001 - 2002