

Just scroll up and down on the pages and look for your specific subject syllabus.  This site contains Industrial Management (MEHM 542), Safety Engineering (MEHM 582), and ME SHOP II, MECPRO 122L syllabus with instructions. (Tip: follow the round marker located on your left side)





MEHM 542




(As of April 22, 2006)



A. Course Title:            INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT


B. Textbook: Industrial Organization and Management by Riggs, Bethel, Atwater, et. al. (This book is still available in all leading bookstores)


C. Reference: Management by James Stoner, Edward Freeman, Daniel Gilbert Jr.


D. Additional References:

Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter

The Rational Manager by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregor

Principles of Marketing by Philip A. Kotler

Introduction To Project Feasibility Study by Development Academy of the Philippines


E. Prerequisite: 5th year standing (should not be taken simultaneously with Project Feasibility Study)


F. Co-requisite:            Engineering Economics, Statistics, Engineering Contracts and Specifications


G. Objectives: Industrial Management Course is designed for 5th year students in engineering at the baccalaureate level who shall require an introduction to management studies. The professors have put together interesting topics to explain the principles and concepts of the four major areas in the every business environment namely; Production, Finance, Marketing and Human Resource Management to the non-management student. This revised edition has been written to reflect the latest changes in the curriculum. The aim of the course is to encourage students to reach their maximum potential in applying their entrepreneurial ability in any business organization.


H. Topics and Schedule:


1.      Introduction To Industrial Management                                                  3 Hrs

-         Definition of Industrial Management

-         Why Study Industrial Management ?

-         The role of the Engineering Supervisor and Manager

-         Other Classification of Managers

-         Knowledge and Skills Requirement for Managing


2.      Development of Management Thought and Practice                               1.5 Hrs

-         The Classical and Modern Management Theorist

-         The Behavioral School

-         The Quantitative School

-         Integration of Management Thoughts and Practices


3.      Strategic Planning                                                                                  1.5 Hrs

-         Ways of Classifying Planning

-         Types of Plans

-         Steps in Planning

-         Creating an Effective Strategy

-         The Porter Industry Structure

-         Management By Objectives


4.      Decision Making                                                                                   1.5 Hrs

-         Classification of Decisions

-         Decision Under Various Conditions

-         Rational Decision Making Process

-         Effectiveness of  Decision

-         Some Mathematical Approach to Decision Making


5.      Organizing                                                                                             1 Hr

-         Organizing Process

-         Organizational Structure and Relationship

-         Centralization and Decentralization

-         Division of Work


6.      Delegating and Coordinating                                                                  2 Hrs

-         Effective Delegation

-         Coordination

-         Communication Process


7.      Controlling                                                                                            1.5 Hrs

-         Steps in Controlling Process

-         Control Methods

-         Procedure for Establishing Control Systems

-         Key Performance Areas


8.      Effective Management of Organizational Conflicts                                   1 Hr

-         Types of Conflict

-         Sources of Organizational Conflict

-         Managing Conflict


9.      Organizational Change and Development                                               1 Hr

-         Constructive Approaches to Change

-         Overcoming Resistance To Change


10.  Motivation                                                                                               1 Hr

-         Motivation Theories

-         Hierarchy of Needs

-         Entrepreneurial Behavior

-         People Empowerment


11.  Leadership                                                                                              2 Hrs

-         The Difference Between a Leader and a Manager

-         Leadership Model

-         Leadership Styles and Managerial Grid

-         Effective Leadership


12.  Human Resource Function                                                                       3 Hrs

-         The Staffing Process

-         Human Resource Planning

-         Recruitment Process

-         Selection

-         Induction and Orientation

-         Training and Development

-         Performance Appraisal

-         Promotions, Transfers, Demotions and Separations

-         Philippine Labor Law


13.  Financial Function                                                                                    3 Hrs

-         Financing Types and Methods

-         Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement

-         Financial Ratio Analysis

-         Investment Appraisal

-         Budgeting Process


14.  Production Operation                                                                              3 Hrs

-         Location Planning

-         Physical Facilities

-         Process and Manufacturing Control

-         Quality Control

-         Product Research and Development


15.  Marketing                                                                                               2 Hrs

-         Principles of Marketing

-         Demand and Supply 

-         Marketing Mix

-         Sales Promotion and Advertising

-         Market Research and Analysis


16.  Introduction to Project Feasibility Study                                                   2 Hr


                                                                                    Total               30 Hrs



I. Delivery Mode:         Student’s Oral Reporting, Instructors’ Perspective Discussion of the Topic Concerned, Written Report and Selected Management Case Analysis and /or Management Workshops.



J. Evaluation and Grading system:


            Short Quizzes                                       50%     There will always be a quiz everyday.

            Oral & Class Recitation                        10%

            Written Reports                                    10%

Departmental Exam                              20%

            Punctuality & Attendance                      10%




K. Passing Grade                                             60% (Non Negotiable!)



MEFM 542 Class Activity Table

(scroll down further……)







to solved

CASES to solved














































































From Reference Textbook: Industrial Organization and Management by Riggs, Bethel, Atwater, et. al.



WRITTEN REPORT FORMAT shall include but not limited to the following:


a.   Title page (indicate in order MIT, ME Dept., topic, subtopic, student’s name & number, subj./sec., submission date, professor’s name)

b.   Detailed computerized report of your sub-topic

c.   Additional research work with list of references/bibliography.

d.   Solved case analysis (as indicated on the table and its page location)

e.   Presentation materials if;

Overhead projector – submit the plastic acetates

Power Point Presentation – submit the diskette or CD.


            If you prefer to clip bind it (do not throw away the handle), slide folder or ring bind.






What to do in case you are absent?

As part of the MEFM 542 Industrial Management students, you are required to come on the FIRST MEETING of the class for orientation.  Failure to attend the first meeting or any other class sessions, constitute one absent. SECURE an excuse slip duly signed by your parents or elder guardians and have it noted by the MIT registrar’s office.  Submit the excuse slip to your instructor (This is the official procedure of making an excuse slip whenever you are absent).  You should make it a point to ask your classmates on what transpire on the previous meeting. You will be given a make-up exam if you have an excuse slip. Take note, your professor will always check the attendance and the students punctuality in coming to class.


What is a topic assignment:

Students are given the topic and case problem for oral and written report. In case you don’t know how to start, seek the immediate help of your professor, who is available for consultation to help define / narrow down the report.


What to do for a report?

It is ideal for those who have read the reference book in advance. For others, the report will be based on other related literature review.



How and what to do in an oral presentation?

The oral presentation must include the summarize discussion of the following: What are the theories and principles presented? How do these apply to a certain industry? How is the management of people, money, method, process, time and other immediate surroundings affected? What can be done to control and improve it? Present your report in a bullet point format. Remember that the bullet letter size should not be smaller than font size 20.


What is a final report?

A final report needs to be written and submitted; it should describe in detail the discussion that took place in the class. Don’t forget to solve correctly the given case research.  Discuss among your group and have a consensus on what is the best answer for the given case.


The final report is a complete description of the report done. It should be presented in the form of a technical report (e.g. as outlined in the Technical Writing course) or in the form of a scientific paper (as in a scientific journal).  As a rule of thumb Individual report should be between 10,000 and 15,000 words. The required font size is 12.


You are the author of the report! You should write it as if you are the expert hired to analyze and solve the problem. Thus, you should include your interpretation, your opinion, your recommendations, etc. Please note that the report will not be returned to you.


What is the time table for the project?

Since we are following a quarterm period. Please refer to the Class Activity Table for further details.  It is advisable to submit all your written report as early as possible to avoid forgetting it. Moreover, it will interfere it your other subjects or you might lost it in process.  NO EXCUSES FOR LATE SUBMISSION.  Late reports usually receive a fair grade (3.00) depending on its contents and presentation.



Although it is allowed to include figures or quotations (not more than a few lines) from other sources (provided that they are properly referenced), students who use the "cut and paste" or copied from the so called “OLD TESTAMENT” or other students report will receive a failing grade for the course and may be charged with plagiarism.










MEHM 582


(As of April 22, 2004)






Basic Occupational Safety and Health Course by Prof. Mauricio P. Ibasco

World Safety Organization




Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineering (PSME) Code

Philippine Electrical Code

National Building Code

Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS)

Fire Code of the Philippines

Other relevant Safety Code






A study of the principles of safety and its application to the protection and accident prevention of life and property in industrial plants.  It also includes the study of safety management responsibility, organization and safety program.




Study the principles and application of Safety Engineering in an Industrial Organization with given emphasis on the following:


Introduction to the Principles of Safety

Functions of the Safety Committee

Hazard Analysis

Remedies and Corrective Action

Human Factors in safety

Designing for Safety

Safety Audit

Good House Keeping

Relevant Safety Codes, Standards and Practices



G. CREDIT UNITS                 :           2 units


H.                                TOPIC                                                            NO. OF HOURS


            1.  Principles of Industrial Safety engineering                                          3

            2.  The Function and Management of a Safety Organization                   2

a.  Safety Engineer

b.  Safety Committee Member

c.  Integration to Corporate Safety Policy

            3.  Fact Finding and Hazard Analysis                                                    6

Cause and effect Diagram

Severity and Frequency Rate

      Safety Design and Programming

a.  Industrial Process Safety                                                      2

     e.g., welding, machine shop and laboratory

b.  Building and Facilities                                                           1

c.  Excavation Safety                                                                1

d.  Maintenance Safety                                                             2

e.  Personal Protective Equipment                                             1

f.  Materials Safety and Data Sheet                                           1

g.  Machine Guarding                                                                1

h.  Electrical Safety                                                                   2

i.   Materials Handling and Storage                                            2

            5.  Fire Prevention and Control                                                             4

Flammable and Explosive Materials

6.  Construction Safety                                                                    __2__

                        a. Working places, Scaffolding, Ladder and Platform

Total                           30  hrs.




Student’s Oral Reporting, Instructors’ Perspective Discussion of the Topic Concerned, Written Report and Selected Safety Case Analysis and /or Safety Workshops.




            Short Quizzes                                       50%     There will always be a quiz everyday.

            Oral & Class Recitation                        10%

            Written Reports                                    10%

Departmental Exam                              20%

            Punctuality & Attendance                      10%




K. PASSING GRADE                         60% (Non Negotiable!)



(Calendar of events)


Grouping         Course Outline                                                           Chapter


1.               Course Orientation and Introduction                                          Chap 1

2.               Safety Programming                                                                  Chap 2

3.               Machines Guarding                                                                   Chap 3

4.               Materials Handling                                                                    Chap 4

5.               Electrical Safety                                                                        Chap 5 & 6

6.               Fire Protection and Prevention                                                  Chap 7 & 8

7.               Industrial Hygiene (Occupational Health)                                   Chap 9

8.               Maintenance Safety                                                                  Chap 10

9.               Human Factors in Safety                                                           Chap 11

10.             Excavations                                                                              Chap 12

11.             Working Places, Ladders, Scaffolding                                       Chap 13

12.             Accident Investigation                                                               Chap 15

13.             Principles and Methods of Instructions                                      Chap 16


Reference Textbook:


Basic Occupational Safety and Health Course by

Prof. Mauricio P. Ibasco

World Safety Organization




WRITTEN REPORT FORMAT shall include but not limited to the following:


a.   Title page (indicate in order MIT, ME Dept., topic, subtopic, student’s name & number, subj./sec., submission date, professor’s name)

b.   Detailed computerized report of your sub-topic

c.   Additional research work with list of references/bibliography.

d.   Solved case analysis (if any)

e.   Presentation materials if;

Overhead projector – submit the plastic acetates

Power Point Presentation – submit the diskette or CD.


            If you prefer to clip bind it (do not throw away the handle), slide folder or ring bind.











What to do in case you are absent?

As part of the MEFM 582 Safety Engineering students, you are required to come on the FIRST MEETING of the class for orientation.  Failure to attend the first meeting or any other class sessions, constitute one absent. SECURE an excuse slip duly signed by your parents or elder guardians and have it noted by the MIT registrar’s office.  Submit the excuse slip to your instructor (This is the official procedure of making an excuse slip whenever you are absent).  You should make it a point to ask your classmates on what transpire on the previous meeting. In case of an exam, you will be given a make-up exam if you have an excuse slip. Take note, your professor will always check the attendance and the students punctuality in coming to class.


What is a topic assignment?

Students are given the topic and case problem (if any) for oral and written report. In case you don’t know how to start, seek the immediate help of your professor, who is available for consultation to help define / narrow down the report.


What to do for a report?

It is ideal for those who have a related life experience (you'll be amazed how much you can do to improve our safety environment). For others the safety course will be based on a book and/or literature review. It could deal with a specific type of hazards of a particular industry. The following are signs that there are health and safety problems in a work environment: workers are complaining, frequently absent, or ill (due to unsafe working condition of the environment); there are accidents and possibly injuries.


How and what to do in an oral presentation?

The oral presentation must include the summarize discussion of the following: What are the safety theories and principles presented? What are the hazards/dangers?  What can be done to control the hazards? How do these apply to a certain industry? How is the environment like people, money, method, process, time and other immediate surroundings affected? What can be done to control and improve it? But the most important of all, it should include a lot of ILLUSTRATIONS, PICTURES, FIGURES, GRAPHS, CHARTS, TABLES and other illustrative examples to enlighten your audience.  Present your oral report in a bullet point format. Remember that the bullet letter size should not be smaller than font size 20.



What is a final written report?

After the oral reporting, a final written report needs to be submitted; it should describe in detail the discussion that took place in the class. Don’t forget to solve correctly the given case research (if applicable).  Discuss among your group and have a consensus on what is the best answer for the given case.


The final report is a complete description of the report done. It should be presented in the form of a technical report (e.g. as outlined in the Technical Writing course) or in the form of a scientific paper (as in a scientific journal).  As a rule of thumb, individual report should be between 10,000 and 15,000 words. The required font size is 12.


Try to remember this, You are the author of the report! You should write it as if you are the expert hired to analyze and solve the problem. Thus, you should include your interpretation, your opinion, your recommendations, etc. Please note that the report will not be returned to you.


What is the time table for project?

Since we are following a Quarterm period. Please refer to the CALENDAR OF EVENTS for further details.  It is advisable to submit all your written reports as early as possible to avoid forgetting it. Moreover, it will interfere with your other subjects or you might lost it in process.  NO EXCUSES FOR LATE SUBMISSION.  Late reports usually receive a fair grade (3.00) depending on its contents and presentation. So DON’T TAKE CHANCES!



Although it is allowed to include figures or quotations (not more than a few lines) from other sources (provided that they are properly referenced), students who are caught using the "cut and paste" or copied from the so called “OLD TESTAMENT” or other students report will receive a failing grade for the course and may be charged with plagiarism.






ME SHOP Processes II



(As of April 22, 2004)




































































The Professor reserves the right to change the project depending on availability of machine and raw materials.


There is a Project Plan Report every completion of each project to be submitted the same day. Refer to the Machine Shop Project Plan Sheet Guide. All PROJECT PLAN SHOULD BE MANUALLY WRITTEN on a plain short bond paper.







Directions to Students


            This project plan is designed to serve the student’s needs prior to project making. It enables them to purposeful planning of projects he desires to make. Hence, these directions should be read first, so that it meets the specific objective. Below are the main items in which a student should accomplish.


1.      NAME OF PROJECTS: Write down the exact name of the project you intend to make. Consult your instructor if you are in doubt of specific name of the project. Students without knowing what he is doing is just like holding a book without knowing its title. 


2.      PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: Every project to be made has its  definite purpose. State briefly the reason why you will make the project. This is one of the most important item. Have a complete visualization of any article you wish to make so as to know its usefulness.



3.      SKETCH OR WORKING DRAWING: When  you see  an actual  project or have a mental picture of an object, make a freehand sketch of a project or mechanical working drawing with DIMENSIONS and all important constructional details. Have your sketch or working drawing be approved by your instructor. The acceptance of this project on the part of the instructor indicates that you have the responsibility for its completion. Any change from the original specifications must be with the knowledge of the instructor. This serve as your guide in making the project to save time, effort, and waste of materials. Use a pencil in making your drawing so that it is easy to make corrections.


4.      BILL OF MATERIALS: This item  should be  carefully  done because  it specifies definitely the materials required. After making a sketch or working drawing, you may now determine  the  materials, hardware, finishing materials and others for use in any project you would make. Thus, you will estimate how much you will spend thereof.



5.      TOOLS NEEDED: In every operation or step in making of project, YOU SHOULD KNOW the definite tools and machines for the purpose, so that before working you will be able to prepare in advance the tools and machines needed.


6.      PROCEDURE: This  is  suggestive   in    nature.   However,     important operations should be written down in order in which they are to be performed. This should be done before attempting to make a project. This will guide you in a systematic way of doing such operation.



7.      JUDGING: Every  student  must   evaluate  his  project  finished. For this reason, you will be able to weigh the quality or deficiencies of your work. Thus, you should improve it for the next time in making another kind of project.



Computing the number of hours spent should be the definite time on actual work performed. No extension or make-up time will be given. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR PROJECT !!!!!!






GROUP NO. __________     COURSE/YEAR & SEC. _____________________

SECRETARY-IN-CHARGE : _________________________________________

DATE PROJECT PLAN IS MADE : ___________________________________

DATE OF SUBMISSION : ___________________________________________

I. NAME OF PROJECT : _______________________________________

____________________________    PROJECT NO. : _____________________











            III. SKETCH OR WORKING DRAWING : (How does YOUR Project LOOK like? Your finish project.)









                                                                                                             INSTRUCTOR’S INITIAL




IV. BILL OF MATERIALS : (List of Materials I need for my project)





























V. PROCEDURE : (Steps on How I will make my project)


            NO.             OPERATIONS                       Tools and Machines

                          (HOW I WILL DO) 







VI. JUDGING : ( How Good is my/your Project? )


Points for Evaluation                       Student’s Score                               Instructor’s 

                                                  final judgement

1. Measurements                                   __________                          __________

2. Workmanship                                    __________                          __________

3. Finishing                                            __________                          __________

4. Speed Working time                          __________                          __________

5. Cleanliness & Attendance                  __________                          __________


                                           TOTAL :    ______/5__                           ______/5__

                                           RATING :  __________                          __________



1.      DATE BEGUN …………………………………………………………

2.      DATE FINISHED ………………………………………………………

3.      NO. OF HOURS ACTUALLY SPENT ……………………….……….






Group Members :

          Name                                                                          SIGNATURE













Attention: MECPRO 122L-A4     STUDENTS            ROOM:   SW 100


From      : Professor  ANG


Subject   : ME SHOP Info Requirements, Seat Work and Written Reports


Date        : Sunday,  2004


A. For student requirements information,


1.       Accomplished the Student Info Sheet.

2.       Attached a photocopy (zerox) of your Certificate of Matriculation.

3.       Grouped yourselves into five (5) members (more or less) and write it on a one-fourth (1/4) sheet of paper.


B. For your individual seat work (Physical Study of the Machines),


1.     In  one whole sheet of bond paper (8.5” x 11”), draw the ME Machine Shop Block Layout indicating the following:

a.      Room or section

b.     Name and Type of machine and;

c.     Power rating. 

2.     Indicate also the capability of the specific machine, whether it is manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic.

3.     Beware that during the first meeting, I am not authorizing you to operate or tinker any of these equipments, devices nor machines inside the ME Shop.


All accomplishments (student info and seatwork) should be submitted to your professor.


C. For your Prelim Report,


1.     Research, draw, label each part and discuss all the features, functions and safety requirements to be followed before operating the following shop machines and its devices:


a.      Metal Lathe

b.     Shaper

c.     Milling

d.     Drill Press

e.      Power Hack Saw

f.       Electric Arc Welding

g.     Wood Lathe


2.     Use our very own machines inside the ME SHOP. For your reference text use “Mechanical Technology by Baltazar and Salazar” which can easily be found in REX Bookstore, Morayta Branch.

3.     All reports (Prelim, Final and including the Project Plan) should be manually done.

4.     Put your Prelim Report on bond paper, no border line (8.5” x 11”) with title page indicating the following (in order):


a.      Name of the Institute, School and Department

b.     Title of the Prelim Report “SIX MACHINES IN OUR ME SHOP

c.     Name of the student, student number, course and year

d.     Date of submission

e.      Name of your Professor


5.     There is a minimum of two (2) pages per machine, but no maximum will be imposed as long as you can vividly illustrate the machine itself.

6.     To be submitted next Sunday. (Penalty for Late Submission)

7.     Submit your written report to your Professor.


D. For your Final Report,


1.  Draw, put the actual dimensions and discuss all the procedures, tools and equipment used in working on your projects:


a.      Center Punch

b.     Key/ Keyway

c.     Blank Gear

d.     Spur and Bevel Gear

e.      T-joint

f.       Dustpan

g.     Additional projects


2.     All reports (Prelim, Final and including the Project Plan) should be manually done.

3.     Put your Final Report on bond paper, no border line (8.5” x 11”) with title page indicating the following (in order):


a.      Name of the Institute, School and Department

b.     Title of the Final Report “SIX PROJECTS IN OUR ME SHOP

c.     Name of the student, student number, course and year

d.     Date of submission

e.      Name of your Professor


4.     There is a minimum of two (2) pages per project, but no maximum will be imposed as long as you can vividly illustrate the project itself.

5.     To be submitted one week before final exam date. (Penalty for Late Submission)

6.     Include all compiled or returned project plans in submitting your final report.

7.     Submit your written report to your Professor.


-----------------------------   End of Instructions ------------------------------------



Attention: MECPRO 122L-A4     STUDENTS            ROOM:   SW 100


From      : Prof. Edward ANG


Subject   : ME SHOP Group Work


Date        : Sunday, 2004



A. For your Group Work (some routine procedures during shop work),



1.     Secure a borrower’s slip for each designated group from the Shop Assistant.

2.     Fill-in the Group Number, Section and Date today.

3.     Fill-in the individual name and your signature (no substitute signature).

4.     In the tools to be borrowed, write the following tools:


a.      Face shield or goggles

b.     Hand gloves (if available)

c.     Try square

d.     Hack saw

e.      Cross cut saw


5.     Return the accomplished borrower’s slip and secure the tools.

6.     Kindly inspect for any defects, dullness, cracks or nicks on any tools you borrowed. You are responsible for any breakage or even its loss during use. It is imperative to “inspect first for any defects before using it!”.

7.     Discuss among your group members for job delegation. Remember this is a team effort not individual work!

8.     Mark the following specified length and clean cut using the appropriate tool and strict observance of safe cutting procedures on the following items:


Name of work piece      Area size                       Specified length             Cutting tool


1.Plain round steel bar      1” diameter                    4.25 inches                      Hack saw    

2.Plain round steel bar      1” diameter                     16.60 cms                       Hack saw

3.Wood Block                 3” x 3” (W x H)              8  inches                         Cross cut saw



9.     After accomplishing all of the above, bind (use a masking tape) together all your cut workpiece and write your subject, section and group number for easy retrieval.


10. Return all the tools and work piece to the Shop assistant.


11. The Shop assistant will “check you out” by calling your name and checking your Identification Card to see if you are still present and have not “escape” before dismissing you. They are deputized to report all incidents that happened during the shop class, including those who “escape” or did not participate during the shop class.


12. Your cooperation is mandatory.



Next Week, bring extra t-shirt, rags and soap. I will meet you and will buckle down to work!


-----------------------------   End of Instructions ------------------------------------