Light of Love Healing
blue lotus


Physical Therapy
Holistic Body Work

Acupressure - By working specific point along the meridians, the Qi can open up and flow. When the Qi flows stagnation and dis-ease cannot exist. Acupressure treats all physical dis-eases, emotional/mental blockages and opens the chakras. You feel wonderful in the process.

Massage - This is ancient. Any form of massage is wonderful. The healing power of touch, and love is immeasurable. EVERYONE needs to get a massage once a month or once a week. Massage yourself every day. Enjoy.

Pranayama - Pranayama means expansion of life force. By controlled rhythmic breathing, we slow down our thought process, aging process, and physiological process. When breath is still, the mind is still and we enter a state of peace and joy. This state prolongs our life and its state of well being.

Qi Kung - is a form of internal/external energy cultivation that sends Qi through physical and energetic bodies. Qi Kung has been used for treatment of physical and emotional dis-ease. Its movements were designed for self healing and health maintenance. Qi Kung can be used alone or in conjunction with any other therapy.


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Dr. Aaron Haas, Light of Love Healing, 8624 Magnolia Drive. Nederland, CO. 80466
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