Light of Love Healing

blue lotus

Energy and Vibrational Healing

Energy Therapy - Science believes that all matter is just energy. The Chinese, Indians,and all other cultures believe that all life is based on balanced energy.
There are numerous ways to conduct energy. For healing purposes the negative energy must be removed and then filled with positive energy.
Our bodies have polar energies running through their meridians (energy channels). By balancing these energies, our body finds itself in a state of health and harmony.
The methods of energy therapy I use include: Reiki, Polarity, Gem/Crystal Therapy, Color Therapy, Magnet Therapy, Shiatsu, Yoga, Pranayama, Chanting, Chakra Therapy, Plant Spirit Medicine, and Homeopathy.

Crystal Healing - Crystals have been used by the shamans for thousands of years and are one of the oldest known healing traditions. Crystals assist in cleansing and balancing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Crytsals are placed directly on the body, or essences can be taken orally. They are also used in conjunction with massage, color therapy and many other modalites. The crystal's vibration enhance every other method of healing.
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Color Therapy - Color therapy is also an ancient form of healing used by the shamans and indians. Each chakra vibrates with a certain color. When our chakras spin and vibrate, we are strong and healthy. Color is solidified light. By using light, our auric bodies become charged, thus darkness and dis-ease are removed. Color restores on physical and "psychic" levels. Color therapy can be used to treat physical and emotional imbalances. It is often used in conjunction wtih Gem/Crystal therapy, Aromatherapy and massage to bring about the greatest healing.
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Dr. Aaron Haas, Light of Love Healing,
8624 Magnolia Drive
Nederland, CO. 80466

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