Cardassian Choir
The Available Pairings
This is the list of pairings that have not been chosen yet. You may choose one of these, or one of your own (check out the Taken Pairings list to see if your choice for FIRST story hasn't already been taken, however). Email Shezan with your choice, or post on the list with it.

Garak - Kes
Garak - Seven of Nine
Garak - Sulu
Garak - O'Brien

Garak - Admiral Alynna

Garak - "Bones"
Mc Coy

Garak - Uhura
Garak - Kai Winn
Garak - Morn
Garak - Weyoun
Garak - B'elanna Torres
Garak - Jim Kirk
Garak - Spock
Garak - Harry Kim
Garak - Doctor Kate Pulaski
Garak - Geordi Laforge
Garak - Data
Garak - Will Riker
Garak - Neelix

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