Triangular Spider - Arkys lancearius


This page contains pictures and information about Triangular Spiders that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Male, leg to leg 15mm
This is a beautiful spider, we can easily find them in bush land in Brisbane, although we never see it in our backyard. Its abdomen is triangular to heart-shaped , with white spots on its bright orange body. Its two pairs of front legs are with strong spines for catching prey. Its two hind pairs legs are relatively small.
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Female, leg to leg 15mm                                        Female
Usually female has a larger abdomen. Triangular Spiders are sometimes found in open bushland, sitting and waiting prey on plants. 
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Male                                                                     Male
Although they are in this ARANEIDAE family, which is famous in web building, they do not build webs. They only use their silk for safety lines and egg sacs.  
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Triangular Spiders have very small eyes and expected to have poor eye sight. They do not jump like Jumping Spiders. Instead they employ the sit and wait hunting method.
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UUp ] Garden Orb Web Spider ] Scorpion-tailed Spider ] [ Triangular Spider ] Tent Spider ] Russian Tent Spider ] St Andrew's Cross Spider ] Banded Orb-weaving Spider ] Two-spined Spider ] Bird-dropping Spider ] Jewel Spider ] Pan Spider ] Leaf Nesting Spider ]

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Last updated: May 18, 2004.