Golden Orb-Weaver - Nephila edulis


This page contains pictures and information of  Golden Orb Web Spiders that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Leg to leg up to 100mm, female, notice the small male on the upper side of the web.

The Golden Orb Web Spider is the largest spider species that we found in Brisbane. They are common in bushes and gardens. They build very large and strong yellow silk orb webs which are vertical or slightly inclined. Under the sun their webs are golden in colour.

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The Golden Orb Web Spider is diurnal spider. The spider is brown to dark brown in colour. Their first, second and fourth pairs of legs have a brush of bristles on the tibia. The third pair of legs is the shortest with no brush. The abdomen is long oval shaped and is yellow with grey or brown patterns.

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The spider feeds on insects caught in the web. The spider makes golden webs. Do you know how spiders learn to build webs?

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 The females are large while the males are only about 1/10 of the female size.  

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The head is covered with silver hairs. The fangs are large and strong. The body is uniform yellow brown to silver grey. The legs are long and black with yellow joints and can span the width of an average adult hand.

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Golden Orb Web Spider makes egg sac with golden silk hiding in near by leaves during early winter. 

Drawing by Tony.

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Last updated: July 05, 2004.