These are some of my favorite movies ever! Some of these are my past favorites, and some of them are my favorites still today. I am the proud owner of each of these four movies.

This movie is one of Tom Cruise's first movies. He looks like a little kid in it. I figured out when I got older that this movie isn't really very good, but I grew up on it. I loved the movie as a kid.
"We are all animals, my lady."

Maximus Decimus Merridius
Commander of the Armies of the North The General Who Became a Slave The Slave Who Became a Gladiator The Gladiator Who Defied an Emperor The People Want to Know the End to this Story Only a Famous Death Will Do

This is probabally one of the best movies of all times. It's action packed from the beginning to end. Unless your house has a very large home theater system with THX sound, there is no way to experience the whole movie without going to the theater.
"The frost... Sometimes it makes the blade stick!"

Neo and Trinity, packing alot of heat, enter the building and inflict much damage in the greatest movie scene ever.He is the One !

"The Matrix"
Now if this isn't a great movie, I don't know much of anything. The special effects are unparalled. When the movie is over, all you can do is sit and stare at the screen. I personally can't wait until the two sequels come out in 2002-2003.
"Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, cause Kansas, is going bye bye!"
"Don't think you are, know you are ! "

King Arthur and his Knights
Black Knight Losing His Limbs The Book of Armaments The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

"Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail"
This movie is the funniest ever! I've watched this at least 1,000 times and I catch some new joke each time. It's full of subtle things that you can only catch after watching it a few times. All in all, this movie is just hilarious.
"You bloody fool, you've got no arms left! Yes I have!"
"What? Is the creature behind the rabbit? No! It is the rabbit! Don't you see the big nasty pointy teeth!?"

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