
Weyr] [Childhood] [Candidacy] [Hatchling] [Weyrling] [Adult] [Stats] [Ryslen Weyr]

Wyand shivered slightly as the blue Okserth landed down in the Weyrbowl, trying to rub the cold of
between out of her bones.  It had been so cold, and so dark...

She shivered again, invoulitarily, and dismounted from Okserth with a slight bump.  Taking her small sack gratefully from D'run, Wyand hurried over in the direction that he pointed her, where the HeadWoman would hopefully instruct her where to go.

Two hours later she collapsed into a chair inside her weyr, wishing that she hadn't wanted Cinders to come along.  According to the rider that transferred her, getting her here had been a nightmare, but Wyand was pretty sure that getting her in her stall had been even worse.

The mare had kicked, bucked, and Wyand now had a long scrape down her left arm from a flailing hoof.  She was pretty sure that it would be a scar.  One of the stablehands had a broken foot, which didn't exactly make the Weyrfolk take kindly to her.  "I'm two hours here and I've already got the entire stable hating me," Wyand sighed.  "An it's not my fault, either."

She pushed her tangled auburn hair behind one ear, knowing that she had to take a bath to get all of the dust and grime off of her.  "I thought that Weyrlife was going to be much more pleasant than this," She sighed deeply.

Morning found Wyand freshly scrubbed, and feeling better than she ever had in her life.  Brushing her hair again, she tied it back with a leather thong and headed down towards the Weyrbowl to find something for breakfast...

However, Wyand bumped into someone at the enterance that made her even more grateful for Weyrlife.  "Pansiral!" She said happily, noting her cousin's new shoulderknots, and was reminded once again that he'd done something that she'd never be able to do: Impress a bronze.

"Little cousin!" He laughed, giving her a quick hug.  "C'm on, we've got lots to talk about.  After that we'll go down to the hatching sands to maybe get a peek at the eggs."  At her amazed expression, he quickly added, "From the stands, of course.  Trust me, after that last clutch that I stood for, I've kind of gotten a fear of gold dragons.  Lokioth's dam went between me and the egg before she'd let it Impress me, and it was pretty scary."

Wyand nodded, overwhelmed by everything that was happening.  "Okay," She agreed.  "But what kind of stuff do they have to eat here?  I'm really, really hungry."