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Alhajath's Flight]

You wander around, feeling extremely embaressed in the fact that you can't find where the young man's weyr is that you're supposed to visit.  He told you that it was the second weyr from the left on the middle row, and the dragon who was kind enough to transport you there is getting annoyed, for you've already been to three places that you thought could also of been where the young man went.

He's supposed to have your gather clothing fixed, and since tomorrow is a restday, you need it now...  Promising the greenrider that this is the last weyr that you'll check, you hurry off of the ledge and into the main chamber, where you see the same young man, Vhenkam, that you spoke to earlier.

He turns around and smiles at you unsurely, obviously not recognizing you.  "OH!" He says suddenly, laughing.  "You're the one who I was supposed to mend the gather finery for, right?" He hazel eyes sparkle slightly with laugher, and he brushes back his sandy-brown hair from his eyes.  "Sorry about that, I forget things too easily.  However, I did remember to finish your stuff," Vhenkam says at your horrified look.

He pulls out the dusty-gray material, showing you where he fixed a seam tear on the left side of the clothing, and gently folding it up.  Vhenkam holds it out for you, and you take it gratefully, tucking the package underneath your arm.

Turning back to the ledge, you see the greenrider ready to leave without and you cry out "Wait up!"  She turns around in her seat to face you, a scowl on her face.

"Took you long enough.  I have to go and oil my green, so c'm on," She says angrily, and you thankfully mount the dragon and strap yourself in.  Just as the green slowly descends off of the ledge and to the Weyrbowl, you see Vhenkam's smile, and, despite yourself, you smile back.

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Peeling Pixels