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"Get your robes on and get to the Hatching Sands in an orderly fasion.  NOW!" The Weyrlingmaster bellowed, and Vhenkam found himself jumping in three directions at once.  He wanted to give his finished embroidary to the WeyrWeaver, wanted to get to the Hatching Sands, but needed to grab his white robe from his weyr first.

In desperation, he half-flung the embroidary at the WeyrWeaver, who smiled slightly, then dashed over to one of the blueriders for quick conveyance to his weyr.  The bluerider was very kind about it, and waiting for Vhenkam to change into his robe before flying back down to the Sands, where his blue rested on one of the smaller ledges.

He then filed quickly onto the Sands behind most of the other Candidates, relieved that he was not last.  He was, however, the second-last to enter the Sands, and by the time that he made it, a few of the eggs had already begun to rock.

Nervous with anticipation, Vhenkam tried to calm himself by thinking about what color of dragon he'd prefer.  He admitted to himself that he'd never really thought about it, and had decided to take whatever dragon chose him.  If, of course, one decided to.

The first the eggs cracked, dumping two greens and a blue onto the hot sands.  They stared at each other for a few moments, then stumbled towards the Candidates.  The blue made for Beryse, and he said happily, "His name is Maireth!"

The two greens then chose Brindisi and Kuda from the girls, who led their hatchlings off of the Sands confidently.

A green and a bronze were the next to break out of their shells.  A bronze in a brown's clutch, especially the first one, was quite an accomplishment, and as the bronze chose Nehron, there was thunderous clapping.

The green, slightly startled by the noise, bumped into Ainyah, and Impression was made between girl and dragon.

Only six eggs and six Candidates were left...  Two of the eggs in the clutch began to rock furiously, and the eggs shattered into several pieces as two handsome blues fell on the Sands.  The two blues, very sure-footed, made for the group of boys without hesitation, and picked two Candidates that were standing side-by-side.  "Heymath, don't worry!  I'd never let anyone else Impress me!" Ragan said, and Ellet announced his blue's name to be Deanteth.

The last for eggs hatched at almost the exact same moment, revealing two browns and two greens.  Vhenkam became rather excited; this was when he was going to Impress, and then his face fell.  If he Impressed this time.  What if a brown walked right past him to someone in the stands?

The two greens, smaller and quicker on their feet, quickly made for the last two greens on the Sands.  "I knew that you'd get her, Sibhath!" Milana cried happily.

The second green dashed forewards towards Jaialeen, and almost knocked the young woman over in her hurry.  "Careful, Deiseath, careful," Jaialeen said, smiling down at the little green and brushing the sand off of her robe.

The two browns, though, looked as though they were fighting over who would Impress whom.  Vhenkam stared strangely at the two dragonets as they made strange barking sounds at each other.  "Oh, come now, Saigth, there's no need to argue!" Caleb said, and one of the browns turned, rubbing his head against Caleb's knee.

The other brown turned towards Vhenkam, and he suddenly found himself lost in a whirl of colors and facets.  "Well, now, that's resolved, isn't it, Brabazoth?" Vhenkam asked.  "You knew that you were the one for me."  He patted his dragon's klah-colored nose and led him off of the Sands proudly, leading him to the food and Weyrling Barracks.

Dragon Statistics

Name: Brabazoth
Age: Hatchling
Color: Brown
Physical Appearance: A smaller brown, about the size of a huge blue.  Klah-colored, with slightly lighter shadings of "klah with cream" coloration on his undersides of wings and belly.  Small and agile.
Personality: Has a strong rivalry with Saigth, the other brown in his clutch.  Thinks that he's as good as a bronze because V'kam has told him that.  Knows when to be serious, and loves the water.
Mate: N/A
Children: N/A
Siblings: Clutch 12 at Dawn Sisters Weyr