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"Well, Baz, this is it," V'kam said as he stared down at the Weyrbowl in Tarizal Weyr, their new home.  "I suppose that we ought to go and find a ledge, eh?"

Takorth has already told me where to go, Brabazoth replied, and winged down gently to one of the higher-level weyrs.  We will now fly in Herlensei Wing, which meets soon.  There is a dragon from Dawn Sisters in there, as well.  Quamilia and her green Anaketh.  She graduated a few Turns before we did.

"I think that the name sounds familiar," V'kam pondered.  "I suppose that I ought to go and check out my new weyr.  Are you hungry?"

Not very, The klah-brown dragon said, whoofing slightly at some of his surroundings.  I shall eat tomorrow.

"Suit yourself," V'kam chuckled.  Brabazoth lowered his head to have his eyeridge scratched, and V'kam willingly complied.  "You've gotten so big," He said proudly.  "Everybody else thought that you were going to be tiny.  But you're not.  I think that you might be as big as your brown clutchmate."

Brabazoth crooned slightly as V'kam began to scratch harder. 
Not quite as big.  But I think that I am close.

The dragonpair smiled slightly, then V'kam turned back around to investigate his new weyr.