Bounce's Playhouse
Welcome to my page, everyone!  Let me tell you a bit about myself.  First of all, my name is Bounce.  I got this name because when my Mommy and Daddy adopted me a few months ago, I bounced all over the place.    I'm a Maine Coon cat, which means that when I'm all grown up, I could weigh up to 28 lbs!  I'm going to be a big kitty, alright.  I'm already the size of a full-grown cat now.  In fact, I'm about twice the size of kittens my age from other breeds

My favorite toy is Aflac, my Daddy's Easter Duck Mommy gave him last year.  I also enjoy playing with my tinkle balls...little plastic balls with bells inside.  But household items are fun cubes that fall on the floor, empty paper towel rolls, and balls of wadded-up paper that miss the trashcan (or that Mommy or Daddy make for me on purpose).  I also like watching water run from the faucet into the sink in the bathroom.  It's fun to drink that way!

My favorite thing to eat is any kind of pasta, especially if it has yummy meat sauce on it...but Mommy and Daddy don't give it to me much...just a taste now and then.  Milk is still one of my favorite foods, but I guess my favorite of all the things I can have  is TURKEY!

Right now, I don't have any pictures on the web, but Mommy will scan some and put them up as soon as she can.  Well, time for my nap.  See you later with more about me.  Zzzzzzzzzzzz....purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
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