Roman painting of food on a table

A Taste
of the
Ancient World

Roman painting of food on a table

Classical Cookbook Living History Experimental archaeology Garum Calendar Home Links

Links to other Ancient food sites

  1. The Roman Orgy Page (Food...mainly)

  2. Age,gender, and status division at mealtime in the Roman house

  3. De Re Coquinaria

  4. Fig Recipes

  5. The Classical Cookbook

  6. Medieval cooking

Links to other Roman sites

  1. BALBVS: A Biography of the late Roman Republic

  2. The Perseus Project

  3. The Internet Classics Archive

  4. Ancient History at the Mining company

  5. The Ancient World Web A big, BIG list of links

  6. Hadrian's Wall, tourist information site

  7. Hadrian's Wall, a personel homepage

  8. Roman Town Names

Links to Experimental Archaeology sites

  1. Reenactment page of the

  2. The Ermine Street Guard

  3. Legions in other parts of the world

  4. Information for Re-Enators from Novar Limited

  5. Cantiaci, Iron age group

  6. Kaves of Grains Medieval Brewing

  7. Living History Search Tool

  8. Council for British Archaeology

  9. TimeTeam

  10. Living History: The History Activity Magazine




  3. alt.history.costuming

  4. soc.history.ancient

  5. sci.archaeology

Classical Cookbook Living History Experimental archaeology Garum Calendar Home Links

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