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FamilyNet Conferences available by e-mail mailing list

Here is a list of the FamilyNet discussion conferences that are available by e-mail mailing list.

These conferences are distributed on the FamilyNet BBS network, using Fido technology. If you are unable to connect to a FamilyNet BBS, and you are interested in any of these conferences, you may subscribe to them as e-mail mailing lists on the Internet as follows:

Send an e-mail message to: listserv@fmlynet.planetc.com

In the subject field type "subscribe" (It doesn't matter much what you type there, but your mailer will usually ask for something there)

In the first line of the body of the message, type

connect family.conference

You don't actually type "family.conference", but replace it by the name of the conference from the list below. In other words, if you want to join the books and literature discussion conference, you type

connect family.books

Make sure you spell everything correctly! Remember that there is a full stop (period) between "family" and the actual name of the conference!

If you want to leave a conference, you send the following message to the list server (not to the list!):

disconnect family.books

An overview of all available lists follows below. There is more information about some of the conferences on separate pages, and there are clickable links to those pages if you want more information:

===============                 ======================

family.adams_rib         - Christian Women's Conference
family.aic               - African Independent Churches
family.baptist           - Baptist Discussion Area
family.bbs_news          - Bulletin Board System Announcements
family.bible             - FamilyNet Bible Conference
family.bible.news        - News of Interest to Born Again Christian
family.bird_watching     - Bird Watching Discussions
family.books             - FamilyNet Discussion on books
family.ccmradio          - Contemporary Christian Music/Radio
family.cfc-net           - Computers for Christ echo
family.chicago           - Chicago Area announcements/discussions
family.choosing_life     - FamilyNet Prolife Discussions
family.christian_teen    - Christian Teen Chat Echo
family.chris_soc         - Christians and Society
family.citc_net          - Computers in the Church
family.dop               - Days of Praise Devotionals (read only)
family.echoes            - FamilyNet echo and listserv discussions
family.files             - Announcements of new files on BBSs
family.internet          - FamilyNet Internet Discussions
family.kids              - Kids echo (12 and under)
family.media_watch       - News and Current Affairs
family.methodist         - Methodist Conference
family.missiology        - Christian Mission Discussion
family.mission           - Christian Mission Discussion
family.missions          - Missionary Prayer Letters (Read Only)
family.nature            - The Natural World
family.nurel             - New Religious Movements
family.off_topic         - FamilyNet G rated chat echo.
family.peacemakers       - Peacemakers Echo
family.philos            - Interdenominational Discussion
family.prayer            - FamilyNet Prayer Requests
family.precinct_01       - Christian Law Enforcement Echo
family.rbc               - Our Daily Bread Devotionals
family.sacred_music      - Worship Music and Worship Leaders
family.sports            - Generic Sports Newsgroup
family.sysop             - FamilyNet Sysop Echo
family.teen              - FamilyNet Teen echo (13-17 Only)
family.theoled           - Theological Education
family.theology          - Theology
family.the_reformation   - Reformation Discussion
family.trek              - FamilyNet Star Trek Conference
family.worldchat         - International Chat Conference
family.xncom             - Christian Networks and Communications
fidonet.animal_doc       - Veterinarian Discussions
oc.orthodox              - Orthodox Church discussions
oc.penpals	- Orthodox Christian Penfriends Club

If you have any difficulty in subscribing, please contact the FamilyNet Manager, Bob Hoffman

For more information about FamilyNet, see the FamilyNet Web pages

For more information about BBSs and BBS conferences, please see my BBS page

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Maintained by
Steve Hayes
PO Box 56303
0007 South Africa

Created: 1998-05-07
Updated: 1999-10-15