"'Socialist Worker'... hey, come back mate"

Contact us:
Belfast/ secretary
0775 959 8798
ASF, PO Box 505, Belfast, BT12 6BQ

Portadown local:
PO Box 523, Craigavon, BT62 1YA

Derry local:
c/o Belfast

Agitate FM broadcasts across Belfast on 100.6 FM, Saturdays @2pm and All women FM @3pm. If you want to get involved contact Belfast Media Collective

Women's Commission

Events Calendar

"Yet my mind was not at rest, because nothing was acted, and thoughts ran into me, that words and writings were all nothing, and must die, for action is the life of all, and if thou dost not act, thou dost nothing." (Gerard Winstanley)

History and Background Information

Organise! Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation was formally constituted in September 2000 but our roots go back considerably further. In August 1986 the now defunct Ballymena and Antrim Anarchist Group produced the first issue of a bulletin called 'Organise! - The Voice of Anarcho-Syndicalism'. In 1992 this became 'Organise! Irish Anarchist Bulletin'- produced by a collective of class struggle anarchists who moved back towards syndicalism and became Organise! When this organisation dissolved, syndicalism in Ireland was revived by the Syndicalist Solidarity Network from which developed Organise! ASF in its present form.

Ye old comrades from times before colour photography

Politically we also enjoy continuity with the past, situating ourselves in a proud tradition of class struggle that once at least has practically demonstrated the possibility of true revolution. If you would like to know more about anarcho-syndicalism, then some good resources include these Frequently Asked Questions and the Principles, Statutes and Goals of the International Workers Association.

When the anarchists ran the buses at least they ran on time.

As anarcho-syndicalists we want to secure for all workers a full and equal share of the wealth and social benefits created by the combined labour of our class. This means abolishing the capitalist system. We also want a world based on direct democracy and workers control of production. This means abolishing the state and not replacing it with any other centralised or hierarchichal political body, but with a system of federation and delegation where delegates are directly elected and immediately recallable. These transformations can only be brought about by social revolution initiated through the social general strike. We reject all systems of oppression and all attempts to divide people through discrimination and prejudice. We recognise and oppose capitalism's catastrophic effect on the natural environment and seek to develop a future based on sustainable communities. We are internationalist and reject all artificial borders and boundaries as we reject all the politicians and governments that require them. We are not a 'vanguard', we don't want to be the new leaders of a 'workers state' for all such attempts have only led to power being consolidated amongst the leadership with the consequence of further oppression for the workers.

The emancipation of the working class shall be the task of the workers ourselves!

Consequently, we promote direct action (simply struggle that is directly controlled by those involved and not mediated through politicians or trade union bureaucrats) as a tactic and a principle. We involve ourselves in the existing labour movement but respond critically to traditional trades unionism and seek to demonstrate its weaknesses where apropriate.

To find out more about Organise! ASF and what we stand for, please see our Aims and Principles or have a look at the Events Calendar or the many documents and bulletins available online.


Organise! ASF Homepage

latest information and upcoming events

About Organise! ASF

What sort of things does the ASF do?

A range of documents by or about the ASF

Back Issues of 'Solidarity'

Links to people that are not too shabby