Info below! Details being updated in mid-2003. Current details are old.
Living in Melbourne
"Home" Melbourne, Australia
Interests Food, language(s), society, film, politics, music, travel, technology, media, design, men
Favourite films Blade Runner, Priscilla, Romeo&Juliet, Shakespeare in Love, Dogma, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, The Fifth Element, Some Like it Hot, Gattaca, My Life as a Dog, Wag the Dog, Primary Colours, Indochine, Something About Mary, Clueless, Beautiful Thing, Starship Troopers, Aladdin, Like Water for Chocolate, Elizabeth, Babette's Feast, and many more
Favourite TV Graham Norton, Veronica's Closet, Bremner-Bird-&-Fortune, Friends (sometimes), Edge of Darkness, Roswell High, This Life, Farscape, Red Dwarf, The Bill (before it became soapy), Inspector Morse, Dangermouse, Weekend Watchdog (!), Taggart (in the old days), Babylon5, Blake's7, Newsnight, Parkinson, Channel4 News, and a few more
Other favourites

Kylie (patriotism!), Pet Shop Boys, Shamen, Madre Deus, Madonna, Portishead, ABBA, Eurythmics, Mojo, Telemann, Orff, Dvorak, Holst, Grieg, and more...

Franz Marc, Klee, Feininger, Picasso, Dalí, Klimt, and others

Melbourne, Copenhagen, Kyoto, Paris(?)

Chocolate, coffee, south-east Asian and middle eastern cuisine, patisserie

Languages spoken English, German, Swedish, a little Danish, less French, even less Portuguese and Japanese, a miniscule amount of Russian and Icelandic

Created Mar2001 Modified Apr2001 Images, design, & text © 2001 SITE INFO