food & cooking


These pages contain details of some of my favourite cookbooks, cookery bibles, and reference books. There is also a selection of restaurant reviews for various places around the world. I will probably add some recipes as time passes and inspiration comes.

     Most of my teenage cooking was of sweet things: biscuits, coconut ice, chocolate truffles. How things change! For, with the imperative of self-nourishment, time for sweet things evaporated, and the real food began. I left home and suddenly had to turn what I'd watched my mother do all my life into practice. From modest kitchen beginnings of two saucepans, a single sharp-ish knife, and a small French cylindrical grater, I have gradually acquired many of the accoutrements of a serious cook. What do I cook? Anything that sounds yummy! But most frequently Mediterranean and South-East Asian dishes, and bread. Meat plays a relatively small role in my cooking, due at first to cost, and now because of BSE and other concerns.

     Unlike the current fashionable cooking trend, I cook for enjoyment, and not in order to impress others. Similarly, I prefer unpretentious restaurants, as the trendy ones seem to emphasise food "design" as much as the food itself. It's just a pity that it's so difficult in Britain to find good food in unpretentious restaurants!

     I hope you enjoy these pages!


Created Mar2001     Modified Mar2001     Images, design, & text © 2001     SITE INFO