Entering Mara's World . . .

Friends, potential pals, and randomly wandering cybersurfers:
Welcome to my page!
You are about to embark upon a delightful journey of sight and sound
into the interactive pages describing or relating to various facets of my so-called life...


Mara DuRousseau

Age: 22

Sex: Female, but you knew that by now . . . right?

Physical Description: 5'8 ½" * shoulder-length auburn hair * medium brown eyes

Residence: L o u i s i a n a

Marital Status: "Shacked-up"

Occupation: Word Processor * Data Entry Op * Office Support Administrator

General Description: multi-faceted * multiracial * multi-talented * polyamorous * bilingual * bisexual * monogamous * attractive * unavailable * charming * witty * sexy * sweet * sarcastic * narcissistic * silly * mature * intelligent * inquisitive * superstitious * serious * playful * caring * semi-evasive * musician * typist * movie buff * health nut * fitness freak * animal lover * lacto-vegetarian * egalitarian * Pagan * Eclectic Wiccan * pantheist * polytheist * animist * Witch * demiGoddess

Likes: optimism * laughing * reading * eclectic music * aerobicizing * big hugs * dancing * tickling * warm snuggles * singing in the shower * long showers * playing in the rain * walks in the woods * talking to the winds * sleeping late * long drives at night * stargazing/moongazing * playing "footsies" * fingernails on my back (lightly) * burping * farts that don't stink * typing * getting mail * wit & sarcasm * animals * humorous people * true friends * women who aren't afraid to be women * men who aren't afraid to be men * confidence * intelligence * egalitarianism * gargoyles * wizards * witches * cats * butterflies * dragons * serpents * doves * swords * roses * orchids * veggie pizzas * chocolate * cheesecake * potatoes * tofu * Taco Bell * food fights * friendly waitresses & sales clerks * liberalism * positive change * open-mindedness * the tarot * astrology * being complimented * semi-intellectual, thought-provoking discussions * having it my way * concerts * sunny days * cool breezes * the smell of fresh bread * the feeling of being "in love" * magick * trust * honesty * painted toenails * getting tattooed (don't worry, I only have two--my third doesn't count!) * cooking/baking (well, sometimes!) * playing piano & flute * learning guitar * incense * candlelight * intense eyes * a dazzling smile * South Park * Mtv's "LoveLine" * Politically Incorrect * ABC's Spin City and Dharma & Greg * every Little Caesar's and Milk commercial * Gravity cologne for men * moisturizer that actually moisturizes * eyeliner that doesn't smudge * dandruff shampoo that works * and fiddling with this bloody web page!

Also See: Hobbies and Interests

Dislikes: hatred * prejudice * ignorance * dishonesty * deliberate disrespect * racism * homophobia * selfish inconsideration * fear * pessimism * low self-esteem * miscommunication * insecurity * typos * poor grammar * greed * fat & cholesterol * bad hair days * body odor * PMS * mood swings * crying * running out of toilet paper * razor bumps * bills * taxes * inflation * being broke * "political correctness" * overly passive-submissive women * overly aggressive men * human doormats * hunting * animal testing * alarm clocks * working mornings * minimum wage * injuries * shoes that don't fit * boiled spinach * cashews * plaque & tartar * constipation * having to shave body parts * acne * ingrown hairs * ingrown toenails . . .

NOTE: I did say this is a journey of sight and sound; and as you will soon discover, practically every link I have created is accompanied by an embedded MIDI file below. Being a musician myself, I find music to be one of the most beautiful and powerful forms of expression; and I truly feel that good music has great potential to positively enhance any experience.

Presently, each page is coded to automatically play and loop a MIDI song upon loading. To help prevent screen lock-ups, it is advised to wait until the song has finished processing before performing any other actions on the page. I'm toying with the idea of either having each song only play once (without looping) or simply loading the player icon without having the song automatically start, giving the reader the option of listening to the music or not. Feel free to email your opinion or ideas regarding this if you have any suggestions for viewing improvements!

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