

...What would life be without 'em? Listed below are a few links to
some of the web-page-havin' goobers I call my buddies.
[ In no particular order, of course...]

"Dr. Steve"
He's the one-and-only "King of Musical Masturbation". If you have a sense of humor and an open (i.e. DIRTY) mind, or simply haven't heard his stuff yet, I highly recommend this link! Request a free tape while you're there,
and if you dig it, make sure to Order a CD. You won't regret it!

Jason is absolutely one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet online.

"barN" / "barrel"
otherwise known as my "kilt". Don't ask...

the infamous "TyPoGoDdEsS" and also my gorgeous net.twinnie

A total charmer and above all, a great friend. :)

He wears leather, drives a motorbike, and has "chowdah in his trousahs"! Oh my!?!?

yet another absolutely ravishing goddess I'm privileged to call my net.sis

A poet, a flirt, and smoovie with a heart o' gold...

This gal definitely lives up to her nickname! She's fiesty & sharp, and just-so happens to be my net.niecie! *struts*

A cool guy with a passion for politics who drives a big, bad bus...

A supercoolie (former?) spod who I can't seem to catch online no more! :(

Don't see your name/page here? Then click here and tell me about it!

Now that wasn't so hard, was it? :P

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