
Ok! The story of D.A.M. started in 1989. I (mel) had just gotten out of basic training for the Air Force and headed to tech school at the now defunct Ft. Devens, Massachussetts. Little did I know I would fall in love and follow a man to Japan!

Dave had been at Ft Devens for about 2 months longer than me. I dated other guys before I met him. We happened to be in the same class (we were on C shift for classes, it was the nite shift). Well I had just broken up with a guy (who Dave to this day calls the "wanna be jarhead" because he was an Army green beret) and was kind of upset, probably just because I wouldn't have a date that nite! Well, Dave gave me that shoulder I needed to cry upon, and our first date consited of a walk around post hand in hand. It went a little further than that, but this being a G-rated site I won't divulge that information!! =) Suffice it to say from that nite on I knew this would be the man I would marry!!

We had some rocky times while we were dating, we were partiers, so it was always about something stupid. We got engaged in January of 1990, it wasn't very romantic, but it still sticks out in my mind, just another chapter of this life I call wonderful!! Time was nearing the end for tech school and we got our assignments. Dave was to go to Misawa, AFB Japan and I was set to go to San Vito, Italy. Well, being engaged we didn't want to be seperated, I was frantic!! =) We mangaged to locate a couple other people who didn't like their assignments and it just so turned out that we all wanted what the other had! Everyone was happy, I was going to Misawa, Japan!!

Dave graduated about 2 weeks before I did, went on leave and then headed to Japan. After I graduated, I followed. When I got to Misawa the only thing on my mind was getting out of that danged uniform (this was back when we still had to fly in uniforms) and finding Dave. It was a great reunion, we were on the same floor in the dorm, but he was at the other side. My roommate till the day we left thought I hated her (she was actually very sweet, she just didn't compare to Dave!!**G**) because I was basically living with Dave in his room (I don't think I ever spent 1 nite in my own dorm bed, I was always with Dave) In June we got permission to move off base because we were going to get married. We set a date, 3 July 1990. We got married at the legal office. Basically it was "you want her?" Dave said yes, "you want him?" I said yes "ok sign here....and you may now kiss your bride" Not too romantic but one of the very best days in my whole life!!

We spent 4 years in Misawa I have to say I miss it there. While we were there we got Jake. We had other dogs, and I miss my Bear the most (we couldn't bring her here to Hawaii with us because she never would have survived Quarantine ...) I will scan a pic of her for you to see... I still cry over her and it's been 5 years. We brought Jake with us, though, and I cried every day while he was in "doggy jail". He really hated it, but it settled his hyper butt down!! While we waited impatiently for Jake to get out we went to Pet's Central and got Jynger. She was a holy terror. I wouldn't trade them for the world!!

No, we don't have any kids, although we have tried for as long as we've been married. I have PCO and my insides just don't work right ... it's very frustrating being poked and prodded, having synthetic hormones pumped into your body hoping that the right one would do the trick. For now I have resigned myself to believe that it's just not going to happen right now, so I am not going to the doctors, I am giving myself an emotional break...I've deserved it. I have just created an infertility resource page, bookmark it, I plan to make a lot of changes.

This is at Churchill Downs taken in June 2001.

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Page last updated 8 July, 2001
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