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Classic Quotes from JLA Secret Files and Origins #1-3

As collected by Michael Weyer

Issue 1 - September 1997

"Star Seed"

Flash: "I am the probe. He is the Conqueror. You are the spaces yet to be taken. Understand that your minds were never your own. Why do you suppose ninety percent of cerebral activity was spared in your heads? Do you really imagine for a moment that was coincidence?"

Batman: "Harsh times demand harsh decisions, Aquaman. They're just going to have to live with it."
Spectre: "An example you would all do well to follow..."

Superman: "On whose authority?"
Spectre: "Who do you suppose?"

Superman: "You have three seconds to surrender. Then we're shutting you down. Time's up."
Flash: "For individuality, you mean."

Spectre: "Metropolis was the first to fall. Eight million faces looked up at the skies and knew the day they had always feared had arrived."

Batman: "No loss is acceptable. Take it from me."

Spectre: "Although why you should seek to commit suicide makes no sense to me."
Superman: "Batman's not going in there alone. That's a good enough reason for me."

Batman: "Do as I do and you might stay alive."
Superman: "Stare them down and stay confident."
Batman: "In other words, you're in my territory now."

Batman: "Drop the temperature of most metals to absolute zero and they have no electrical resistance. In other words...."
Flash: "The probe's computer goes berserk. Super-conductivity, I know...Barry Allen and I talked a lot."

Spectre: "The future was my concern. It shall be safe in the hands of the Justice League."

"Lost Pages"

Green Lantern: "I figure everyone should update their costume every one in a while. It keeps the whole thing fresh."
Flash: "You would say that."

Superman: ".003 seconds? What kept you, Flash?"
Flash: "A kid falling in front of a subway car."

Wonder Woman: "Combat exam, Superman. No biting, no scratching, no tearing. Other than that, anything goes."

Batman: "Of course he's in. He's Superman. Don't bother to send me the details."

Issue 2 - August 1998


Orion: "Back, foul demons! I wield the mighty power of the Astro-Force!! Back or die at my hands!!!"
Lightray: "I believe they chose 'back.'"

Clark Kent: "We may be mankind's only hope."
Aquaman: "You really believe that, don't you?"
Clark Kent: "And you don't ?"
Aquaman: "I believe we play a certain role in the scheme of things, but it's arrogant to presume what that role is."
Clark Kent: "Heroes are born of circumstance. We don't wake up one morning and pin on a cape. There's a sense of higher purpose."
Aquaman: "Superma, my people suffered a cataclysm a millenium ago and nobody came to save us. We survived."
Clark Kent: "And the people of Krypton did not. It's all a roll of the dice, Arthur. We do what we do. As for my being arrogant----I've been called worse."

Batman: "The clock is running, Oracle."
Oracle: "I know. I also know you own the clock."

Oracle: "*He's not listening. He's there. In that place. Staring down the creatures in his head. A one-track mind with no call waiting.*

Huntress: "Are you quite done?"
Batman: "I'm never done."

Pa Kent: "You fellas watch out for this planet now, y'hear?"

Aquaman: "He's here. He's been waiting in the kitchen for 15 minutes. I think sometimes he forgets I can see in the deepest ocean depths."
Batman: "Yes, that's it. I forgot. That sounds likely, doesn't it?"

Oracle: "*'We?' This has nothing to do with me. This is him...needing to always be one step ahead of the gods. Probably the only way he can deal with them----"

Guy Gardner: " And anybody who has a problem with that can take three steps west into the lunar Sea of Tranquility."

Boris: "We're teenagers, Natasha, the cunning of adults, the impulse control of toddlers. Fate will take us by the hand."

Boris (on Guy Gardner): "He's old way over 28."

Zauriel: "It's true. I swear it..."
Nun: "Blasphemer angels don't swear."
Zauriel: " ?! Who told you that?"
Nun: "It is written."
Zauriel: "Written where ?!"

Zauriel: "I told her God had no gender. Calling God 'Him' is a misnomer it limits the presence to the confines of the human understanding."
Aquaman: "And then she decked you."

Zauriel: "Well, if it's experience you're looking for, I'm afraid I've only been doing this since the dawn of time."
Aquaman: "Not a problem. Never let it be said that the League doesn't respect the new guys."

Oracle (on the Huntress): "*She holds the singular significance of being the one hero in Gotham HE never mentions. The black sheep of the family. Makes me wonder what he's up to which is something I try not to do. Bottom line: Huntress is operating in Batman's town. And Batman plays for keeps. Making moves only he understands....*"

Boris: "Teleporter probably needs a code."
Natasha: "Let me guess 'Rosebud?'"
Boris: "Hey, we're fifty percent with that one."
Huntress: "Gotham City."
Boris: "Eggplant."
Huntress: "Eggplant ?"
Boris: "Itzhak Perlman."
Huntress: "What ?!?
Boris: "I'm sorry, I thought we were free associating."

Natasha: "You've got that look you're one of them. You wanna be here so bad your eyes bleed you belong here like you're in the family. Well, newsflash, cape-chick----families fight. It's a package deal. Don't let your ego cheat you of something you know you want."

Natasha: "Now, Unc hold it. These guys came to the house and delievered a transporter to the moon. I'm sixteen. Frankly I think this is on your head."

Oracle: "*A world-saver. That's quite a promotion for me. Wonder if HE knows that....*"

Issue 3 - December 2000


Talia: "What I notice most are the sounds: The crackling as a Martian burns. The high-pitched whine of a seizure at the speed of light. The howl of a man who no longer has a throat. It is not the Justice League's finest hour."

Talia: "Many others had been in these halls illicitly----the Key, Lex Luthor, Prometheus. From their success and failure, we learned a great deal. Their mistake was believing that somehow the League would be at its weakest and least prepared here.....instead of at it's strongest."

Batman: "I'm always looking for ways to counteract my enemy's methods."

Wonder Woman: "You'd be amazed how long I can hold my breath."
Batman: "I'd wait."

Batman: "Ever wonder what you would have done if you'd lost?"
Wonder Woman: "Huh. That's not a possibility I've ever considered."

Talia: "Never saying anything about himself.....never missing anything they said about themselves...."

Batman: "You can't count on vision to save you from the enemy who's behind you."

Green Lantern: "NO beauty....No art....No way to create----with a pencil or a power ring....I not only wouldn't be Green Lantern anymore....I don't think I'd even make a very good Kyle."

Talia: "I thought only a fool would leave something so explosive within easy reach of his teammates.....and Bruce is no fool."

Talia: "Because they respect his need for secrecy that much.....while he ran roughshod over theirs for years."

Batman: "Oliver Queen is every bit the playboy that I pretend to be."

Talia: "Contingencies are what he does."

Alfred: "You do realize that, despite the way you isolate yourself from them, they are almost certainly not taking steps against you?"
Batman: "If they aren't, they're being foolish."

Talia: "As much as I love Bruce.....first and foremost, I am my father's daughter."

Talia: "When that happens, where will they place the blame? With Bruce? With me? My father? With themselves? With humanity? Where does the blame ultimately rest? Perhaps with all of us....or none. It is not for me to say."

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The Captain's Unofficial JLA Homepage X. December 2000. WEBMASTER: Jason Kirk ( The Justice League, the Justice Society, related icons and images are copyright DC Comics or their original creators/artists and are used without permission. This site is non-profit making and in no way exists to defraud the original artist/writers/owners of the discussed material - it is a work in homage and it is hoped that it is seen as such. Displayed on a reusable monitor.