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Classic Quotes from Justice League: Midsummer's Nightmare #1-3

As collected by Michael Weyer

Issue 1 - September 1996

"True Lies"

Kyle Rayner: "'Sacred tome..' Nice. Clearly, I was channeling my inner hack that day."

Perry White:: "How will (metas) affect the common man? There's your angle!"
Clark Kent: "Frankly, chief...I don't know that there are enough of us left to angle a story towards!"

Clark Kent: "Earth to Clark. You're starting to feel like an alien on your own planet. No cause for that..."

Lucius: " can't be some kind of bevevolent guardian to everybody in this city!"
Bruce Wayne: "Yes, Lucius....I can."

Alfred Pennyworth: "Tell much more must you pay compensate for all that your parents cost you?"

Guard 1: "Okay, okay. The name...of the Bradys' dog."
Guard 2: "You already asked me that one. Tiger."

Kyle Rayner: "Why do I expect anyone to pay two bucks for thirty-two pages of free association?"

Wally West: "Ironic, this being health ed...and you risking your health by torquing me off."

Clark Kent: "'Metropolis. Evenings have become dangerous times in this once shining Camelot of a city.' Too flowery. Not my style. Stick to the facts, Clark."

Narrator:: "And he awakens to the truth. That he is not angry at the mayhem he cannot stop. That he is instead furious at the chaos he can control...and has not!"

Superman: "I knew he was coming, though. Super-hearing."
Batman: "So did I. I spotted his footsteps in the grass. Deductive reasoning."

Batman: "Always the optimist. I look at the world with a little more doubt, Superman."

Issue 2 - October 1996

"To Know A Veil"

Superman: "So is there any connection between that and the world-wide blooming superhuman powers in ordinary people?"
Batman: "Speaking physiologically? No. Speaking criminally? Almost certainly."

Superman: "Your detective work turned all this up? Impressive."
Batman: "Call it my version of telescopic vision."

Superman: "No one but former Justice Leaguers turned up in your data? Isn't that awfully coincidental?"
Batman: "Only to those who believe in coincidence."

Kyle Rayner: "You're one of those fan boys, aren't you ? At my home ? Get real, it's not like I'm a rock star!"

Aquaman: "I've been in pretty grim company so far. And coming from me, that says plenty."
Superman: "Arthur. Nice to see that your time in dreamland hasn't relaxed you any."

Superman: "The genetic spark has been fanned into a wildfire."
Aquaman: "So we douse it. I haven't completly forgotten the 'teamwork' concept, you know."

Wonder Woman: "Batman may have been right. As always."

Superman: "Not unless someone can pull quite a rabbit out of their hat..."
Green Lantern: "Check your calendar, folks it's wabbit season!"
Flash: "To think the dream team of longjohn icons is worried about a little thing like taking on the entire planet."
Batman: "Another trick?"
Superman: "That, or the boys are more resourceful than you give them credit for."

Green Lantern: "Wicked. The Magnificent Seven ride again!"
Flash: "Use both hands, genius there's only six of us."
Green Lantern: "Bet you learned math from Flash cards."
Flash: "Har-dee-har. Well, I get dibs on Coburn."
Green Lantern: "I'll be the guy on Death Wish."
Flash: "Got that right."

Aquaman: "Where could (the Martian Manhunter) be?"
Green Lantern: "Uhh, Mars? Shot in the dark."
Superman: "No, not exactly."
Green Lantern: "Tahiti was my second guess."
Flash: "Take it J'onn'll want to be Yul Brynner."

Martian Manhunter: "It is real enough. So long have I been here in a vaguely more human form that you sometimes forget Earth is my adopted home. The Martian language has tweleve words for 'husband'...fourteen for 'father'. Hearing their music again has been a siren's song."
Batman: "J'onn...they are an empty melody. Don't do this to yourself. I know too well the pain of losing family, but "
Martian Manhunter: "And what would you give to have them back?"
Batman: "Anything."
Martian Manhunter: "And everything."

Green Lantern: "Wow. I had no idea he was so alien."
Flash: "You mean alienated "

Green Lantern: "Sh'yeah I'm standing with Superman! He didn't score that name for just being a swell guy, y'know."

Green Lantern: "I hope he's okay."
Wonder Woman: "J'onn is many thing okay does not seem to be one of them."

Issue 3 - November 1996

"Daze and Knights"

Batman: "A telepathic assault, J'onn? I thought you were averse to such harshness."
Martian Manhunter: "I was."

Batman: "We rescued you because we required your help."
Martian Manhunter: "Rescued me from what, Batman? Paradise? Thank you so much."
Superman: "It was an illusion, J'onn. A nightmare."
Martian Manhunter: "For you, perhaps. For you."

Martian Manhunter: "I know what you need of me...and as always I accept my responsibility. Would that all of you could say the same."
Flash: "Was that a dig? You're not talking about me, are you?"

Superman: "(Batman) never ceases to amaze me. I can't even see him. Can you?"
Martian Manhunter: "No."
Superman: "How does he do it?"

Green Lantern: "You heard him, folks. He wants to trade it all for what's behind door number three. Let's see what he's won!"
Flash: "If it's a muzzle, you're welcome to it."

Dr. Destiny: "I realized the toys were mine but the sandbox was his!"

Know Man: "The pressure you have put upon me is enormous. Allow me to return the favor."
Aquaman: "Prsh sher?'ve never been to the bottom of the sea!"

Martian Manhunter: "How much of your soul did you sell to this devil? I know the cost to mine."
Dr. Destiny: "What little was left, Martian Manhunter....what little was left."

Superman: "Your smile is a little out of place, Know Man! Most would-be-conquerors wouldn't be too happy to see the seven of us together!"

Martian Manhunter: "You have no idea what this this animal took from me."
Batman: "Yes. I. Do."

Flash: "Tell that to Superman. When he gets an earful of your "
Superman: "I heard him from the ionosphere."

Green Lantern: "Feel free to sweat, guys. The Guardians and the Controllers are big-bang level powerful."

Superman: "We don't need to be reminded of our limitations! Don't you think we're aware of them already? Not a single day passes that I don't wish there was something more I could do to help the people of this world! Trying to live up to the name they gave me!"

Dr. Destiny: "Know Man is a fool. The one mistake he made was in trying to take something away from you...the one being who has already lost everything."

Dr. Destiny: "I give you what you need. A a family that needs you. A family called mankind...."

Dr. Destiny: "The world was mine, J'onn. It was all I ever wanted...and more than I could bear. Funny. illusion..."

Martian Manhunter: "This is not you, Kal. It never could be."

Green Lantern: "We hardly got a chance to even the score."
Aquaman: "Be happy with the tie, boy."

Batman: "As most of you know, I'm hardly what you call a 'team player.' Nevertheless, I have to admit...there was a limbering sort of grace to what we accomplished together. I wouldn't want to be caught up in it too often, but..."

Wonder Woman: "As a warrior, I can tell you there's a magic to that."
Superman: "I'd prefer 'chemistry'... but point taken."

Superman: "Still, for a walking enigma, there was one thing Know Man made abundantly clear through his attack, if not his prophecy. More and more each day, the earth is plaqued by menaces too great for any one of us to beat. Divided we may fall...but united, we can stand. Now and the JUSTICE LEAGUE!"

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The Captain's Unofficial JLA Homepage X. December 2000. WEBMASTER: Jason Kirk ( The Justice League, the Justice Society, related icons and images are copyright DC Comics or their original creators/artists and are used without permission. This site is non-profit making and in no way exists to defraud the original artist/writers/owners of the discussed material - it is a work in homage and it is hoped that it is seen as such. Displayed on a reusable monitor.