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Classic Quotes from JLA 41+

As collected by Michael Weyer

Issue 41 - May 2000

"World War Three Part Six : Mageddon"

Zauriel: "I am Heaven's represenative on Earth. I died to come here! To plead Humanity's case before the Courts of Light. Instead, I find the Almighty Hosts of the Pax Dei overseeing the architecture of a new universe. This world, this teeming, living globe that we angels have been blessed to behold since the Presence was first made manifest.....Has Heaven abandoned creation to the Primordial Annihilator?"

Oracle: "....Oh, wow....This mind-thing is too intense...."

Oracle: "After us, there's nobody. We have to shut it down. We have to shut it down forever."

Flash: "It's a long story and it already feels like we've been talking for months."

Flash: "(The Glimmer) ran perpendicular to time."

Flash: "He's telling us we have an outside chance, Guy. You should listen more."

Batman: "Everybody out. I'll apologize for my rudeness later."

Martian Manhunter: "...All is lost...."
Batman: "I don't believe that for a second."

Batman: "What should I expect to feel?"
Martian Manhunter: "Despair. Cosmic despair. Telepathic contact with Superman is only possible through the Mageddon mindfield that holds him in thrall. It broadcasts on the lowest psychic frequencies...horror...shame...fear...anger..."
Batman: "Okay, okay. Despair is fine. I can handle despair and so can you."

Batman: "Clark can spin mountains on his little finger, but....He'll be trying to shake its hand while it gnaws out his intestines. I'm not afraid of the dark, J'onn."

Green Lantern: "Come on. This is easy, Rayner. It's just willpower; your willpower against a monster bomb from the dawn of time....What is this? Performance anxiety? Is this because deep down I never believed I was good enough for the JLA? *choke* Get real, Rayner! Quit whining and whup some primordial butt!"

Green Lantern: "You're throwing self-doubt at us? Mageddon, dude, you're up against the Jerry Springer generation."

Wonder Woman: "I came to man's world to bring peace: Now's my big chance. Let's build the anti-war ray."

Wonder Woman: "Is this possible, Animal Man?"
Animal Man: "We live on a plaet of the possible, Wonder Woman."

Black Lightning: "If I explode like a bird on a wire, you're on your own."

Zatanna: "!Sognimalf emoceb snopaew"
Black Canary: "...Flamingos?..."
Zatanna: "First thing I thought of."

Ray: "...I'm one of the good guys....I can't die like...."

Aquaman: "Lay down your arms! I'm serious and I have the firepower to prove it! Sworn protectorate of over fifteen thousand submarine states. My territory surrounds every continent on the planet. I rule most of this planet's surface and almost all of its depths. So don't even think about picking a fight with the King of Atlantis."

Gargonel: "Zauriel, you have spent too long in the material world. The Presence moves in mysterious ways, it's wonders too-----"
Zauriel: "Then, the Presence speaks in me, as in all things, Gargonel! And I ask again, in the name of Him who gave his life for Humanity: Will none of you take on mortal flesh and stand with me in their hour of greatest need? Have you learned nothing from watching over them? Have you not once learned love?"
Gargonel: "Zauriel, Zauriel....This passion you feel is a result of too long spent embedded in mortal clay. Your flesh will be restored; return to your Earth and fulfill your duty there."
Zauriel: ".....I see. I pray you're kinder to the creatures of this new world you're making. I know where my heart lies."

Baumiel: "Zauriel! I am Baumiel of the Bull Host of the Pax Dei! I will fight at your side!"
Amphodel: "And I, Amphodel! I will take on mortal flesh."
Angel: "And I."
Angel: "And I also."
Army of Angels: "And I." "And I." "And I." "And I."

Orion: "...I live...And I am my father's son! Monster of Apokolips! Orion, the Hunter! Harrier of worlds and gods! Mageddon beware!"

Green Lantern: "It's always the same at these things, huh? You talk for five minutes on the stairs between epic battles...."

Flash: "You look rough, Kyle, but...I can't believe I'm saying look like Green Lantern, man."
Green Lantern: "Yeah. Finally starting to feel like him, too."

Martian Manhunter: "....Dark...Empty...Meaningless...Oblivion..."
Batman: "Sounds like my last date."

Batman: "We ALWAYS win!"

Batman: "I don't care if it can destroy ever god in every heaven, Clark! It's never faced us before!"

Aztek: "It's only a machine the gods made, like one of those clocks in Prague: It knows when to tick and when to tock. It carries out certain basic functions."

Aztek: "I am in the heart of the Shadow-God of my people, Tezcatilipoca and he's just an old computer. Just a machine. But for a long time we had a weapon designed to stop him. The weapon is called 'Aztek.' Tell them I did my duty...."

Batman: "I know it feels terrible, Clark, but we've faced terror and loss before. We were forged in those fires! We didn't go under! We didn't fall! Don't you dare fall now, Clark!"

Prime Minister: "Give the cockroaches a turn..."
Baumiel: "They're not quite ready for the responsibility, Mr. Prime Minister. Trust me."

Baumiel: "No more death."

Aquaman: "...Ceasefire orders coming in from every head of state. Angels are threatening your leaders with flaming swords and spears. I like Zauriel."
Zatanna: "Hey, I'm nominating you for the Nobel Peace-stroke-special effects prize, Aquaman."

Flash: "Lst mnt rscues my spcialty. Y nd pwr?"
Glimmer: "I am power."

Steel: "If I didn't trust everyone here, I'd say this is insane."

Glimmer: "For Wonderworld! For Life! I summon the armies of Man!"

Oracle: "All this amazing stuff you're seeing and feeling is what Superman feels like all the time....It's why he wants to save us...Hah!..."

Batman: "Last chance...and I can't belive I'm trying to convince you..."

Batman: "Save them, Superman, or, God help me, I'll hound your through the afterlife until you beg for mercy!"
Superman: "...I...really hate...that lecturing tone, Bruce....But it's always when I need to hear it most."

Superman: "You're never alone in the JLA, Bruce."

Green Lantern: "Are they slowing down? Tell me they're slowing down 'cause I have a headache the size of Manhatten."

Superman: "Doomsday is cancelled until further notice."

Batman: "I knew you'd say that, Clark. Just wasn't sure when...."

Oracle: "Thanks to you all, there will be a tomorrow."

Metron: "When the Fourth World universe of us New Gods is made complete and put away, the Gods of the Fifth World will arist from this planetary cradle."

Aquaman: "I'll shake any brave man's hand, Orion, but I hope to the bottom of the deepest ocean trench that we never meet again!"
Orion: "Ha! I hope your wish is granted, Fish-King!"

Metron: "This planet no longer requires our presence. We have shown you the shape of the world to come. Now you must find the way there. Farewell."
Green Lantern: "Dude, I thought they'd never leave."

Green Lantern: "Doctor Destiny?"
Flash: "Lightweight. Ten minutes tops."

Superman: "Well, Batman? Come on. We're the Justice League. You know you love it."

Issue 42 - June 2000

"Half A Mind To Save A World"

Atom: "You should see yourselves----it's one giant upside-down drive-in movie theater in here."

Green Lantern: "Don't these bugs know who they're messing with? Oh, yeah, I guess they don't."

Atom: "Well, you know how it is. Lives hang in the balance. Time is critical. You get a goofy idea at the last second that just might work....Usually it just works out, y'know?"

Superman: "I mean life is a pretty remarkable thing. It's always finding ways to carry on You never know where it will turn up next."

Issue 43 - July 2000

"Tower of Babel Part One: Survival of the Fittest"

Ra's Al Ghul: "I see. It was your job to look after him, and you were just 'being kind.' Even though it was critical his special diet be maintained due to his fragility. And now that he is dead, his mate-to-be.....future mother of his the last of her line. Now there will never be another like either of them. him the same 'kindness.'"

Talia: "How many natural species thrive due to your efforts?"
Ra's Al Ghul: "They do not 'thrive' in conservatories, Talia. The only thing that thrives outside these walls are the six billion shortsighted parasites who continue to ravage our planet's natural resources. On its own, humanity is a destructive force. It needs a master."

Ra's Al Ghul: "I have been unsuccessful in my efforts to pare the huan race to a managable size. Beginning tomorrow, however....mankind will begin thinning itself."

Ra's Al Ghul: "And as for the most persistent thorn in our side, the detective, well....distracting him was so obvious a matter, I cannot believe I never thought of it before."

Flash: "I think I've spotted a clue."
Wonder Woman: "You mean him?"
Flash: "Sarcasm is so lost on you. Yes, him. C'mon....let's pull him out."
Wonder Woman: "Race you."
Flash: "You're on."
Wonder Woman: "I warn you, the gods granted me the speed of Mercury."
Flash: "Oh, I"m sorry. I thought you were fast."

Wonder Woman: "Then's not always about speed."

Flash: "And look-----he's got a crunchy center!"

Aquaman: " Trampoline----!"
Plastic Man: "Was that a request? Since when do you take me that seriously?"
Aquaman: "You're a teammate, Plastic Man. I trust you. I don't like you, but I trust you."

Plastic Man: "Note to self: In the JLA, there's no such thing as a rhetorical question...."

Assassian 1: "Is that one still talking?"
Assassian 2: "Not for long."

Superman: "Are you under attack?"
Batman: "Not anymore. Over and out."
Superman: "No wait. Listen to me. The League's being hunted by persons unknown."
Batman: "Is anyone dead?"
Superman: "Not yet, but-----"
Batman: "Is this something you can't handle without me?"
Superman: "Again, not yet----"
Batman: "Then closing channel."

Superman: "That's not like him."
Flash: "How can you tell?"
Superman: "Because we're friends, Wally."

Ra's Al Ghul: "Whoever said a picture was worth a thousand about to see just how badly he miscounted."

Wonder Woman: "I thought you'd remembered Kyle's apartment number."
Flash: "I do. I don't remember the number being in Greek. No offense."

Issue 44 - August 2000

"Tower of Babel Part Two:Seven Little Indians"

Narrator: "Across the planet, the machinations of the Asian terrorist Ra's Al Ghul begin to erupt in fear and violence.....while, as ever, Ra's patiently awaits the arrival of the one man most likely to oppose him. He arrives slightly ahead of schedule."

Ra's Al Ghul: "How easily you find me. Perhaps I left my trail too warm."
Batman: "I'm a detective. Don't insult me."

Ra's Al Ghul: (to guards) "Lower your weapons. In the state he is in, you are little match for him."

Flash: "Aquaman? Are you okay?"
Aquaman: "No one is! Suit up!"

Oracle: "You any good at spotting ultrasound?"
Superman: "If I squint."

Superman: "So how do we jam the signal?"
Oracle: "Unless you have six billions pairs of earplugs----I have no idea."

Narrator:"Over Russian airspace, pilots can no longer read their instruments. Jumbo jets narrowly avert one another. For now. American Missle silos are filled with an eerie silence----the soldiers inside frozen, terrified to touch anything more complicated than a water cooler. Hospitals are cauldrons of madness and rage. Patient charts are nonsense, medications either (in caution) withheld....or (in desperation) misapplied. Operating table become morgue hope dwindles."

Soldier: "Hurt?"
Wonder Woman: "Amused. I've taken harder blows in Amazon games. Surrender."
Soldier: "Give me a reason. I'm your equal in every way, Princess. You cannot beat me...though you're welcome to try."
Wonder Woman: "Thanks for the permission."

Talia: "In battle, all that could make (Wonder Woman) a heart attack."

Oracle: "Okay. Eight million saved. Only, oh, 5.9 billion to go."

Soldier: "'Madness?' Lady Talia, it is an honor to soldier under Ra's Al Ghul's orders. Do you not wish to please him?"
Talia: "There is no 'honor' in assassin's work....and, frankly, I tire of my father's manipulations. All I wish is peace for myself....and for my beloved."

Ra's Al Ghul: "Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?"
Batman: "Of being worthy of their memory."

Batman: "All the plans, the traps, the signal trackers-----they were mine! Superman-----I did this to you!"

Issue 45 - September 2000

"Tower of Babel Part Three: Protected by the Cold"

Batman: "Language. He's stolen language....!"

Plastic Man: "Belay those orders, Cap'n Hook.....I'll reel 'em in."

Plastic Man: "Eeew. Eeew. Eeew."
Green Lantern: "Like putting you together from jigsaw pieces was a pleasant experience."

Flash: "God. Oh, God....You couldn't imagine the pain. There were whole days I prayed just to die. J'onn....Just how long was I out?"
Martian Manhunter: ".....Twenty-two minutes."
Flash: "Oh, God....."

Green Lantern: "All we have to do is be smarter than Batman, right?"
Wonder Woman: "No. You just have to do what he won't.....and that's listen to others."

Talia: "And where will it end, Father?"
Ra's Al Ghul: "Where it rightfully should, Talia. With a healthy planet no longer abused by the human race. With a population self-reduced to only the fittest of survivors....all of whom will eagerly fall under my command as I restore Eden to the Earth. This is the legacy I leave for you, my daughter."
Talia: "I see. This is a gift."

Talia: "And you have (Batman's) body?"
Guard: "N-no, mistress."
Talia (slapping him): "Then he is not dead and you will be punished for announcing otherwise."

Ra's Al Ghul: "Daughter! Since when do you speak to me in this tone?"
Talia: "Since you ordered me to corrupt and betray my beloved's plans and intentions. I have always obeyed your wishes in the past, Father----but this is the first time you have commanded me to take an active hand in assassination----and, like much else these days between us----it does not sit well with me."

Green Lantern: "Suggestions?"
Plastic Man: "Yeah. Find out why Batman would do this."
Flash: "He's always been cold. But still....He deliberately concocted ways to hurt us? How much of a control freak is he?"

Flash: "Because I want to listen to you."
Batman: "Because ambulance drivers can't read street signs. Let's move."

Green Lantern: "We won't let you get hurt again, Plas. I promise."

Flash: "What? No wisecracks?"
Plastic Man: "Not today."

Green Lantern: "And to think I trusted him...."
Wonder Woman: "We all did, Kyle.....some more than others."

Flash: "You heard the man. Well, actually, you didn't, but I have a feeling that's about to be a thing of the past...."

Superman: "Tell me why."
Batman: "I had my reasons. But I'm no happier than you that Ra's decrypted my computer files."
Superman: "Our sympathies are marginal."

Plastic Man: "Isn't 'Al Ghul' Arabic for 'big fat liar?' Plus, why are we listening to the boss's daughter?"
Talia: "Because this time I have been used callously by him. Because I have had enough of being a pawn in my father's endless schemes."

Goon: "While I am currying favor with my will be on a futile search for a microscopic weapon invisible to the naked eye. And while you are good.....You are not that good.....Transmission ended."

Issue 46 - October 2000

"Tower of Babel Part Four: Harsh Words"

Martian Manhunter: "Arthur, stay calm! Listen to me! If you're to survive, you have to deny this fear! If you can't, then turn it into something else! Turn it into anger! Remember who did this to you! Think about who betrayed your trust! Think about Batman!"

Plastic Man: "I'm not doing anything that means I turn my back on you."

Batman: "Superman and I will corner Ra's."
Superman: "Why?"
Batman: "Because I know where he is and you can fly."
Superman: "That's not what I meant."

Green Lantern: "Listen to you. I never knew you had a serious side."
Plastic Man: "Bad day."
Green Lantern: "I heard that."

Batman: "Agamemno."
Superman: "What?"
Batman: "You remember. Alien tyrant. Gave a gang of criminals access to our bodies and powers a few years ago. Nearly won the Earth."
Superman: "That's your excuse?"
Batman: "I decided there ought to be fail-safes designed in the event something similar ever happened again."
Superman: "You decided."

Ra's Al Ghul: "The one who shot my daughter."
Goon: "She----she was giving information to the enemy! She-----"
Ra's Al Ghul: "You shot. My daughter."

Ra's Al Ghul: "(Superman) has two weaknesses, one of which we share: An unyielding compassion for the animal kingdom."

Ra's Al Ghul: "God-powerful aliens. A child with a magic ring. So much wasted potential. So much they could do to remake an endangered Earth."
Superman: "Agreed. Why don't we start by taking you out of the picture?"

Aquaman: "At my life-or-death-moment (Manhunter) gave me strength by standing with me. That's the way the League theory."

Wonder Woman: "There is no honor in serving Ra's al Ghul. There is only the suffering you bring the innocent.....and the grief of abandoning everything you know as you draw your last agonizing breath on this Earth. And I promise you......the pain will be indescribable. So I ask you again: Are you ready to die today?"

Plastic Man: "I was sweating bullets. Err...rubber bullets."

Aquaman: "Not to sound arrogant, but we've earned that trust....if not from everyone....then certainly from each other."

Flash: "Who am I to argue with Batman?"

Aquaman: "Afraid? Batman?"

Aquaman: "Don't go easy on him just because you------"
Martian Manhunter: "Because I what? Because I went easy on myself? Is that what you think? Do you know the shame I felt over that? Do you really think I have ever forgiven myself for being that distrustful?"
Aquaman: "We did."

Green Lantern: "Hell, for months I've been friendly to a guy who's been looking at me like I was a crash test dummy."

Green Lantern: "With that kind of thinking, maybe we'd.....still have Coast City."
Flash: "HEY! You do not bring Hal Jordan into this, you hear me? Do you hear me?"

Green Lantern: "C'mon, man, he brought you in."
Plastic Man: "Yeah, yeah, he did. I owe him. I know that."
Green Lantern: "Then.....?"
Plastic Man: "Get him out of here."

Flash: "How well do you really know him? Or, I guess, more to the well does he know you? Well enough to know better than any of us how you'll vote?"
Superman: "Yes."

Issue 47 - November 2000

"Queen of Fables Part One: Into the Woods"

Kyle: "Twelve panels on a page, this guy gives me. I wouldn't let this yutz write a grocery list."

Flash: "Now the whole city----which was bizarre enough to begin with-----"
Plastic Man: "Says Mr. Midwest------"

Flash: "Can you believe that guy?"
Aquaman: "Batman? Believe which? That he'd come up with deathtraps for us in his spare time, or that we'd vote him out because we can't trust him?"
Flash: "I meant Plastic Man."
Aquaman: "I know. But he's not wrong."

Plastic Man: "Oh, this is so bogus. We always miss the giants!"

Queen of Fables: "Since when do the princess's knights give orders?"
Aquaman: "Knights? What's she talking about?"
Green Lantern: "I don't know. The Dark Knight? Oh, wait. He's not here."

Queen of Fables: "Not that their impertinence matters, princess. After all....the Queen outranks you."

Superman: "We're....pinned, too. I don't like it."

Green Lantern: "Snow White."
Aquaman: "Where do you see snow?"

Superman: "Is it ever that easy?"

Plastic Man: "I have got to get you a library card."

Flash: "Aquaman was right. About this."

Issue 48 - December 2000

"Truth is Stranger"

Green Lantern:"I thought you were King of Atlantis."
Aquaman:"Which means I was once a prince. Close enough."

Flash:"Swell. Insane and versatile."

Green Lantern:"You heard her. She wants to be fairest in the land. Isn't that what motored all the fairy-tale evil queens and stepmothers and witches? Jealousy?"

Superman:"Diana, we operate as a team. That's why we voted Batman out, isn't it? So we could operate in total unity?"

Superman:"I don't suppose anyone thought to leave a trail of bread crumbs...?"
Batman:"Taken care of."
Flash:"Oh, man, am I glad to see you.....For a minute there, I thought we were in trouble....!"
Superman:"We still are, Wally."

Superman:"Why are you here?"
Batman:"Because you need me."
Aquaman:"I see being voted out of the League didn't damage your ego any."

Aquaman:"People are in danger, and we don't have the time or the patience for the aloof loner act."

Superman:"I hate magic."

Plastic Man:"And, oh, by the way, why do you keep talking about Snow White as if she was real?"
Huntsman:"The Bat suggested you might ask such questions when he came through mere minutes ago."
Plastic Man:"Of course he did."

Queen of Fables:"You call this island a paradise? I wouldn't."

Aquaman:"So we're to believe we're fighting a fantasy witch exiled from another dimension?"
Green Lantern:"Says the merman."

Martian Manhunter:"Amazing. Flesh and blood became ink and paper."

Plastic Man:"You got a plan?"
Wonder Woman:"We fight."
Plastic Man:"That's a plan?"

Superman:"Knowledge is power. Or so I've been told."

Issue 49 - January 2001

"Unhappily Ever After"

Narrator:"At first, the JLA refused to take the Queen seriously. After all, how dangerous could the stuff of fairy tales be?"

Green Lantern:"She's got all the ugly stuff of every story ever written at her beck and call! What's next, 'Battlefield: Earth?'"
Flash:"Don't even joke. Just shut her down before she reads 'Dante's Inferno,' okay?"

Martian Manhunter:"You're not going to like it, Diana."
Wonder Woman:"Hardly a first today."

Plastic Man:"Follow the magic beanstalk!"

Green Lantern:"Another twenty saved. How many people in this city?"
Martian Manhunter:"Eight million."
Green Lantern:"Diana, hurry!"

Plastic Man:"The first person who points out that Batman would have had a plan by now eats knuckle. I mean it."

Plastic Man:"Tie her up in the magic lasso! Not only do I really, really like it when you do that....But it makes people see the truth, right? It cuts through fiction! Oh man----you've got her kryptonite!"

Queen of Fables:"I see the princess keeps the most interesting pets in her garden. How adorable you are. How precious. I wonder how you taste?"

Queen:"Who dares?"
Wonder Woman:"We do."

Plastic Man:"She's all alone----"
Superman:"Not while we're around."

Wonder Woman:"Face the truth! This isn't your fairy-tale world! This isn't your world at all! Stop seeing it for what you wish it were-----and see it for what it is!"

Wonder Woman:"This is a world of technology of discovery----perpetually replacing fantasy with fact-----constantly narrowing your power. It's not at all like where you came from! In your storybook, there are no boundaries! In there, anything is yours to make happen! I envy you its tales! Of magic spells.....of gallant knights and valient maidens.....of eternal youth."

Superman:"And the bickering continues. This is what the League has come to. Bruce.....what have you done....?"

Issue 50 - February 2001

"Dream Team"

Superman:"What I'm saying that we have two lives, most of us.....and sometimes I wish vehemently that weren't true. You can't ask the human heart to make some of the....the superhuman choice we have to....."
Batman:"I didn't know you were still speaking to me. Is that your idea of an apology?"
Superman:"I didn't, either. And I'm not apologizing. I'm explaining.....because I don't know what else to do."

Batman:"One of your superhuman choices. You voted me out."

Superman:"You didn't even stick around to hear the votes. You don't know-----"
Batman:"I know two things. I know how you all think.....and I know that you gave me the kryptonite.....Clark."

Plastic Man:"I wanted to go with Wonder Woman!"
Martian Manhunter:"Which is why we never let you choose the teams."
Plastic Man:"Hey, that's right! You don't ever let me-----"

Wonder Woman:"J'onn, we have a detective. You."
Martian Manhunter:"I enjoy certain skills, Diana-----But I am more manhunter than criminologist. I have taught myself much, but human intuition is an unlearnable trait----and one of Batman's most effective tools."

Flash:"You're kidding me. You were a-----?"
Plastic Man:"A gangster? A hood? A thug? Yeah! And you were a squirt in----I might add a much better costume!"

Batman:"And caution is bad."
Superman:"I'm sure it's crucial if you're trying to frighten burglars in Gotham. It may be advisable if you're a Titian or a kid in Young Justice! I wouldn't know! What I do know is that for the JLA....the team that holds the fate of the world in its hands about twice a month.....unconditional trust in one another makes a life and death difference!"

Aquaman:"Show some courage."
Green Lantern:"Like Hal Jordan would have."
Aquaman:"No. Like you have."

Aquaman:"I don't suppose much of anything is going to make sense from here on out-----but at least we're in no immediate----"
Plastic Man:"Danger. The word is 'danger.'"

Martian Manhunter:"Please-----all of you! It's----"
Plastic Man:"'Our only chance!' Like I don't hear that near the end of every adventure....!"

Wonder Woman:"Follow me!"
Plastic Man:"Up there? Do they call it Paradise Island because you're all high?"

Batman:"So seven omnipotent beings who barely understood what was going on in front of them got into a fight for all reality. Meanwhile, I was battling Killer Croc. How did it go?"

Superman:"Having grown aware enough to recognize the threat, (Dr Destiny) lashed out---- forgetting that no matter what the circumstances, when you attack one Leaguer----you've taken them all on."

Superman:"In retrospect, Wonder Woman's plan was an unintentional masterstroke."

Superman:"They weren't dreaming about failure. They were dreaming about winning. Consequently----they couldn't lose. And in the end, that----became Destiny's greatest nightmare."

Plastic Man:"And to think I've wasted all those nights on Katie Holmes!"

Batman:"It doesn't sound like they performed poorly."
Superman:"Except for the fact that it took coercion and bullying to get them to act as a unit."

Green Lantern:"Batman?"
Bruce Wayne:"I'm over here....Kyle."
Green Lantern:"No....!"
Plastic Man:"Buh----Buh----Bruce Wayne? As in, who wants to be a millionaire Bruce Wayne? Batman is....I mean, he really...?"

Bruce:"I decided it was time we stopped having secrets, Diana. Don't make too big a deal over it."
Aquaman:"I don't think that's possible."

Green Lantern:"He doesn't....wear a mask. I never even....thought he had job...."
Plastic Man:"C.K.! I read your column!"
Flash:"You read the paper?"
Plastic Man:"No, I copy the funny pages with my hand. Yes I read the paper! In the words of Keanu....whoa!"

Issue 1000000 - November 1998

"Prisioners of the Twentieth Century"

Future Batman: "To save the world of the 20th century, we have to create the galaxy's greatest villain. This is worse than the time we reopened Pandora's Box."

Plastic Man: "Fire photon torperoes! Call the Samaritians! Tell my wife I love her very much!"

Steel: "Right now, I've got an engine, but I still don't have the keys to start the car."

Huntress: "Being leader of the JLA means making hard decisions, Steel."
Steel: "Who said I was leader?"
Huntress: "You're wearing the 'S.'"
Steel: "You know, you remind me of Miss Armstrong, my fifth-grade teacher. She was always right too."

Steel: "Okay. They're from the future, they're much more powerful than the current models and we know they've been infected by some kind of virus. It doesn't look good. But like Zaruriel said, right now the JLA is us. We have a reputation to uphold."

Huntress: "What was that noise?"
Plastic Man: "Sounded like Barda's breastplate exploding."

Future Batman: "These people are what we came from. They deserve our respect."

Steel: "You may be the future JLA, but you're still the JLA, and the JLA is all about saving the world. And I thought 'what would my JLA do in your shoes?' Then I made one of those hard decisions. There's an 'S' on that costume of yours somewhere too, so I'm guessing you know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't believe man and women made it all the way to 85,271 A.D. just to be beaten by something like this. Tell me I wasn't wrong."

Big Barda: "(Future Wonder Woman) might last a week or two on the firepit crust-colonies of Armagetto. But she lacks discipline."

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The Captain's Unofficial JLA Homepage X. December 2000. WEBMASTER: Jason Kirk ( The Justice League, the Justice Society, related icons and images are copyright DC Comics or their original creators/artists and are used without permission. This site is non-profit making and in no way exists to defraud the original artist/writers/owners of the discussed material - it is a work in homage and it is hoped that it is seen as such. Displayed on a reusable monitor.